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Titles 3064
Firms 4
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Displaying 351–375 of 3064

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
1600 Abbassai: an eastern tale. In two volumes. Translated from the French. Falques , Marianne-Agnès
James Potts (Dublin)
Josiah Sheppard [Shepherd] [Smock Alley] (Dublin)
12408 Abridged History of the Bible, in Verse, by Mrs. Richardson, the nearest surviving relative of the Reverend Doctor Isaac Watts, and widow of the late Joseph Richardson, Esq. Barrister, M. P. Richardson , Sarah
Sherwood, Neely, and Jones (London)
William Davis [Southampton Court] (London)
Joseph Clifton Bingham (London)
15365 Abridged History of the Bible, in Verse, By Mrs. Richardson. Richardson , Sarah
William Davis [Southampton Court] (London)
Joseph Clifton Bingham (London)
Sherwood, Neely, and Jones (London)
449 Absenteeism Owenson , Sydney
Henry Colburn [New Burlington Street] (London)
12242 Acrostics, Moral and Divine. By John Richards. Richards , John
617 Ada, and Other Poems. By Mary Ann Browne, Authoress of "Mont Blanc," &c. &c. Browne , Mary Ann
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
John Hatchard and Son [187 Piccadilly] (London)
W. Benning (London)
402 Ada, and Other Poems. By Mary Ann Browne, Authoress of "Mont Blanc," &c. &c. Second Edition. Browne , Mary Ann
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
John Hatchard and Son [187 Piccadilly] (London)
W. Benning (London)
1828 Second Edition.
11238 Adelaide, or, The massacre of St. Bartholomew: a tale, including historical anecdotes of Henry the Great. By Mrs. Hofland, author of The Crusaders, Son of a Genius, Ellen the Teacher, &c. &c. Fourth edition Hofland , Barbara
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1830 Fourth Edition
1351 Adelaide; A Story of Modern Life. In Three Volumes. Cathcart , Miss
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman (London)
2717 Adèle et Théodore, ou lettres sur l'éducation; contenant tous les principes relatifs aux trois différens plans d'éducation des princes et des jeunes personnes de l'un et de l'autre sexe. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
s.n. [sine nomine]
1792 Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée.
15380 Affection's gift to a beloved god-child by M.H, author of Letters on Scared and Profane History, &c. Second edition. Hedge , Mary Anne
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
Swinborne and Walter (Colchester)
1821 Second Edition.
1156 Africa Described, in Its Ancient and Present State; Including Accounts from Bruce, Ledyard, Lucas, Horneman, Park, Salt, Jackson, Sir F. Henniker, Belzoni, the Portuguese Missionaries, and Others, down to the Recent Discoveries by Major Denham, Dr. Oudney, and Captain Clapperton; Intended for the Use of Young Persons and Schools. By Mrs. Hofland Hofland , Barbara
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
632 African Lessons: Wolof and English Kilham , Hannah
26158 Agnes Serle. By the author of "The Heiress." In Three Volumes. Pickering , Ellen
Richard Bentley (London)
24845 Ah! Me! With That False One, a Favorite Irish Air Harmonized as a Glee for 4 Voices by Mr Biggs, the Words by Mrs. Opie. Opie , Amelia
2065 Alan Fitz-Osborne, an Historical Tale. In two volumes. By Miss Fuller. Second Edition. Fuller , Anne
1787 Second Edition.
8468 Albert; or, the wilds of Strathnavern. In Four Volumes. By Elizabeth Helme, author of Louisa, or the Cottage in the Moor; Duncan and Peggy, Penitents of Godstow, St. Clair of the Isles, St. Margaret's Cave, Modern Times, Farmer of Inglewood Forest, Pilgrim of the Cross, &c. &c. New Edition Helme , Elizabeth
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
1821 New Edition.
939 Alfred Campbell, the Young Pilgrim; Containing Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land. With Twenty-Four Engravings. By Mrs. Hofland, Author of “Son of a Genius,” &c. &c. &c. Hofland , Barbara
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1298 Alfred Dudley; Or, the Australian Settlers. Porter , Sarah
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (London)
12141 Alfred; by Joseph Cottle. Third edition. Cottle , Joseph
William Button and Son (London)
1816 Third edition.
13011 Alice Grant, The two cousins, and The fair day. Blyth , Phoebe
Samuel Darton and Robert Harvey [1833-38] (London)
1492 Alice Seymour. A Tale. Grey , Elizabeth Caroline
John Hatchard and Son [187 Piccadilly] (London)
435 Alicia de Lacy; An Historical Romance. By the author of "The Loyalists," &c. In Four Volumes. West , Jane
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
10929 Almegro, a Poem, in Five Cantos. Roberts , Emma
H. C. Hodson (London)
12674 Almeyda; Queen of Granada. A Tragedy. In Five Acts, by Sophia Lee. As Performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane Lee , Sophia
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)