Displaying 15626–15650 of 17791

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
18117 The rational brutes; or Talking animals. By M. Pelham, author of The Rochfords, The village school, and various other publications for the instruction of children. Kilner , Dorothy (Author)
Satchwell , Robert William (Illustrator)
Tanner , Benjamin (Engraver)
B. & J. Johnson (Printer)
1801 1
18118 The rational brutes; or, Talking animals. By M. Pelham, author of The Rochfords, The village school, and various other publications for the instruction of children. Kilner , Dorothy (Author)
Benjamin Johnson [No. 22, North Second Street] (Publisher)
1813 2
2885 The rational brutes; or, talking animals. By M. Pelham, Author of the Rotchfords, the Village School, and various other Publications for the Instruction Of Children. Kilner , Dorothy (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] (Publisher)
Tegg and Dewick (Printer)
2855 The rational brutes; Or, Talking animals. By M. Pelham, author of the Rotchfords, the Village School, and various other publications for the instruction of children. Kilner , Dorothy (Author)
John Rice [Grafton Street] (Printer)
Bernard Dornin [108 Grafton Street] (Printer)
Brett Smith [38 Mary Street] (Printer)
and 4 more.
10989 The rational dame, or, Hints towards supplying prattle for children. The second edition. Fenn , Ellenor (Author)
John Marshall I and Co. [Aldermary] (Printer)
John Marshall I and Co. [Aldermary] (Bookseller)
1790 2
3662 The rational dame; or, hints towards supplying prattle for children. Fenn , Ellenor (Author)
John Marshall I and Co. [Fleet St] (Printer)
John Marshall I and Co. [Fleet St] (Bookseller)
3678 The rational dame; or, hints towards supplying prattle for children. Fenn , Ellenor (Author)
John Marshall I and Co. [Aldermary] (Printer)
John Marshall I and Co. [Aldermary] (Bookseller)
3650 The rational dame; or, hints towards supplying prattle for children. Fenn , Ellenor (Author)
John Marshall I and Co. [Aldermary] (Printer)
John Marshall I and Co. [Aldermary] (Bookseller)
3677 The rational dame; or, Hints towards supplying prattle for children. The fifth edition. Fenn , Ellenor (Author)
John Marshall I [Aldermary] (Printer)
John Marshall I [Aldermary] (Bookseller)
1796 5
3684 The rational dame; or, hints towards supplying prattle for children. The fourth edition. Fenn , Ellenor (Author)
John Marshall I [Aldermary] (Printer)
John Marshall I [Aldermary] (Bookseller)
1795 4
3666 The rational dame; Or, Hints towards supplying prattle for children. The third edition. Fenn , Ellenor (Author)
John Marshall I [Aldermary] (Printer)
John Marshall I [Aldermary] (Bookseller)
1795 3
3667 The rational dame: or, hints towards supplying prattle for children. The fourth edition. Fenn , Ellenor (Author)
Thomas Jackson [Parliament Street] (Publisher)
Nicholas Kelly [St. George's Street] (Printer)
25822 The rational dissenter, soberly professing his stedfast belief in thirty nine articles. By J. C. C. , J. (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Emanuel Matthews (Publisher)
John Harrison (Publisher)
Anne Dodd I (Publisher)
1716 1
15062 The rational practice of physic of William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, The Royal College of Physicians in London, and Physician to the St. Mary-Le-Bone Infirmary, &c. &c. In four volumes. ... . Containing treatises on Female, Nervous, Hysterical, Hypochondriacal, and Cancerous Diseases, Letters on Medical Vanity, the Abuse of Hemlock, &c. &c. Rowley , W. (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
William Rowley (Publisher)
Elizabeth Newbery (Bookseller)
John Hand (Bookseller)
1186 The Re-Captured Negro ... Second edition. Sherwood , Mary Martha (Author)
Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington] (Publisher)
1821 2
15332 The Re-captured Negro. The Babes in the Wood of the New World. Sherwood , Mary Martha (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Frances Houlston and Wright (Publisher)
7751 The real duty of a woman, in the education of a daughter. A letter humbly address'd to the Right Honourable the Earl of Chesterfield. A new edition. By Mrs. Teresia Constantia Phillips. Phillips , Teresia Constantia (Author)
R. Griffiths [Strand] (Publisher)
8463 The rebel: a tale of the times. Unknown , (Author)
Colbert , Harriet (Publisher)
Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge] (Publisher)
Harriet Colbert [136 Capel Street] (Publisher)
John Rice [Grafton Street] (Publisher)
and 6 more.
1801 1
5371 The rebel: a tale of the times. In two volumes. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Thomas Skelton [22 High Street] (Printer)
Bedwell Law [Stationer's Court] (Bookseller)
1799 1
8398 The Rebellious School-Girl. A Tale. By Mary Hughes (late Robson), Author Of "The Ornaments Discovered," "The Alchemist," &c. Hughes , Mary Robson (Author)
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (Publisher)
1821 1
14292 The rebels; or, Boston before the revolution. By the author of Hobomok. Child , Lydia Maria Francis (Author)
Cummings, Hilliard and Co. (Publisher)
1825 1
13418 The recess; or, a tale of other times. By Sophia Lee. Lee , Sophia (Author)
W. Simpkin and R. Marshall (Publisher)
Charles Stapleton Arnold (Publisher)
Charles & Charles Whittingham (Printer)
13417 The recess; or, a tale of other times. By Sophia Lee. The fifth edition. Lee , Sophia (Author)
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (Publisher)
William Flint [Old Bailey] (Printer)
1804 5
7621 The recess; or, a tale of other times. By the author of The chapter of accidents. Lee , Sophia (Author)
Thomas Cadell [London] (Publisher)
1783 1
8084 The Recess; or, a tale of other times. By the author of The Chapter of Accidents. Lee , Sophia (Author)
Henry Whitestone [Capel Street] (Publisher)
Thomas Walker (Publisher)
John Cash [Capel Street] (Publisher)
and 3 more.