Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 776–800 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
13480 Friendship in Death: in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, Letters moral and entertaining. In prose and verse. In three parts. By Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. To which is prefixed an account of the life and writings of the author. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
John Fairbairn (Edinburgh)
3481 Friendship in death: in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, letters moral and entertaning [sic], in prose and verse. In three parts. By Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. To which is prefixed, an account of the life of the author. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
Joseph Johnson (London)
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] (London)
John Nichols [Fleet Street] (London)
Thomas Norton Longman III (London)
Francis and Charles Rivington (London)
William Lowndes [76 Fleet Street] (London)
David Ogilvy and J. Speare (London)
William Otridge (London)
William Goldsmith [Warwick] (London)
3535 Friendship in death: in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, letters, moral and entertaining, in prose and verse. In three parts. By Mrs. Elisabeth Rowe. To which is prefixed, An account of the life of the author. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Alexander Donaldson (Edinburgh)
3480 Friendship in death. In letters from the dead to the living. To which are added letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse. By Mrs Elisabeth Rowe. Cooke's Edition. Embellished with superb Engravings. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Charles Cooke (London)
1797 Cooke's Edition
3578 Friendship in death. In twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse: in three parts. By Mrs Elisabeth Rowe. In two volumes. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
The Martins [Apollo Press] (Edinburgh)
22514 From our womens yearly meeting held at York the 19th. and 20th. days of the fourth mounth. 1700. Unknown , [Woman]
6336 Fruits of retirement: or, miscellaneous poems, moral and divine: Being Contemplations, Letters, &c. written on Variety of Subjects and Occasions. By Mary Mollineux, late of Liverpool, deceased. To which is prefix'd, some account of the author. The fifth edition. Mollineux , Mary
1761 The fifth edition.
13496 Funeral sermon, preached in Spitalfields-chapel, London, on Sunday, October 26, 1794, on the death of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers ; by the Rev. Thomas Coke, LL. D. Also, an appendix, written by her husband with various pieces, selected and transcribed from her manuscript journals. ... Sold at the Methodist Chapel [Price Six-Pence.] Rogers , James
Coke , Thomas
Rogers , Hester Ann
21619 General proofs that the Second Advent of the Lord hath taken place: and also, the essential doctrines of His new kingdom stated. A sermon delivered in the Unitarian Chapel, Warwick, on Tuesday evening, October 9, 1792. By J. Proud, N.H.M. ; To which is added, Dr. Beyer's memorial on the writings of E. Swedenborg, to, and by order of, the King of Sweden. Proud , Joseph
Beyer , Gabriel Andrew
20875 Glad Tidings. Or An Account of the State of Religion, within the bounds of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; and in other parts of the world. Taken from the reports of their members, and their Committee of Missions; published by the said committee, with the approbation of the General Assembly for the information of the people under their care. 1804
22942 Glory to the highest, a thanksgiving poem, on the late victory at Dettingen. To which is subjoin'd a sacred hymn, on the same occasion, both done extempore. By E--------- Boyd. Boyd , Elizabeth
25479 God, and all other reasonable beings, happy in proportion to their virtue. or, an essay upon moral virtue, and its necessary connection with all rational happiness. In a letter to the Reverened Dr. Clark, Rector of St. James's Westminster. By a clergy-man. The Second Edition. Unknown , [Man]
Samuel Billingsley (London)
1724 The Second Edition.
25809 God, and all other reasonable beings, happy in proportion to their virtue. Or, an essay upon moral virtue, as its necessary connection with all Rational Happiness. In a letter to the Revd Dr. Clark, Rector of St. James's Westminster, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. By a clergyman. Unknown , [Man]
Samuel Billingsley (London)
25142 God's incouragement to his people under persecution from their brethren. A sermon delivered at the meeting house in Snow's Fields, Southwark: occasioned by the anniversary of that foundation, on the first of August MDCCXXXV. By Sayer Rudd, M.D. Rudd , Sayer
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
John Noon (London)
25265 God's mercies to Great Britain. A sermon preach'd before the University of Cambridge, May XXIX. MDCCXX. on Psalm cvii. 43. Whoso is wise, and will observe those Things, even they shall understand the loving Kindness of the Lord. By John Holdsworth, M. A. John , Holdsworth
24665 Good fetch'd out of evil. Williams , John
King , Mary
Clap , William
25089 Great Britain's wonder, a good king and good ministers: Set forth in a sermon preach'd at Milburn-Port in Somersetshire, Jan. 20. 1714-15. Being the day of publick Thanksgiving for King George's peaceable and happy accession to the throne. By John Sprint. Sprint , John
Emanuel Matthews (London)
16628 Gründe für die Nothwendigkeit eines stillen Harrens, beym öffentlichen Gottesdienst. Welchem beygefügt sind verschiedene Anführungen aus Robert Barclays Schutzschrift oder Vertheidigung. Von Mary Brook. Brook , Mary
6420 Harrison's edition. The death of Abel. In five books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner. By Mrs. Collyer. Gessner , Salomon
Harrison and Co. [Also Harrison and Brooke] [18 Paternoster Row] (London)
15547 Heaven the Residence of the Saints. A Sermon Occasioned by the sudden and much lamented DEATH of the Rev. George Whitefield, A.M. Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Countess of Huntington. Delivered at the Thursday Lecture at Boston, in America, October 11, 1770. By Ebenezer Pemberton, D. D. Pastor of a Church in Boston. To which is added, An Elegiac Poem on is Death, By Phillis, A Negro Girl, of Seventeen Years of Age, Belonging to Mr J. Wheatley of Boston. Pemberton , Ebenezer
Wheatley Peters , Phillis
Edward and Charles Dilly (London)
20882 Heidelbergh catechism, or, Method of instruction in the Christian religion, as the same is taught in the Reformed churches and schools of the United States of America, and Europe. Translated from the German. Mary Kugler Sweitzer (Philadelphia)
25599 Hell upon earth: or the town in an uproar. Occasion'd by the late horrible scenes of forgery, perjury, street-robbery, murder, sodomy, and other shocking impieties. Of the Encrease of the Hempen Manufactory and the Decrease of the Woollen Manufactory; shewing that Goals and Gibbets are become as useful as Guards and Garisons, and Pillories as necessary as P-ns. Of Peoples being almost under the Necessity of carrying Pistols instead of Prayer-Books to their Parish Churches. A surprizing Account of the Numbers of People who Live by preparing and vending Liquors, and of those that Die by drinking them: With the vast plenty of Diseases and Doctors, and the great Scarcity of Physicians. An Account of Fox-Hunters, Peace-Hunters, Money Hunters, Men-Hunters, Whore-Hunters, Death-Hunters, Levee-Hunters, News-Hunters. Of the Subscribing Coffee-Mens pretty Project for printing their Customers Prittle Prattle. Of Lady B-is Necessary House being broke open and robb'd, as published in the Coffee-Mens Paper, with the strange Effect it had on a Scotch Subscribing Coffee-Man's Wife, who refunded her Breakfast upon reading the Relation. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
22977 High-Church miracles, or, Modern inconsistencies. Unknown ,
23326 Hints of the glory of Christ; as the friend and bridegroom of the Church: from the Seven last Verses of the Fifth Chapter of Solomon's Song. In a letter to a friend. By A. Dutton. Dutton , Anne
19652 History of Henry Fairchild and Charles Trueman. Sherwood , Mary Martha
The Sunday and Adult School Union (Philadelphia)