Displaying 15551–15575 of 17791

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
11685 The Profligate Mother; or, The Fatal Cabinet. By Miss H—. H— , Miss (Author)
William Lewis (Printer)
Appleyards (Publisher)
1810 1
12656 The Progress and Comforts of Religion; an Essay, in Blank Verse. By Sarah Wilmore. Wilmore , Sarah (Author)
George Nicholson [Stourport] (Printer)
1820 1
5256 The progress of a female mind, in some interesting enquiries. Containing, I. A Soliloquy. II. A Letter to a Jew, on the Evidences of Revelation. III. A Letter to a Christian Divine on the Gospel System; with some References to a late Free Enquirer. IV. A Remark on the Importance of the Hebrew Language. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Corbett , Ann (Publisher)
Ann and Charles Corbett (Publisher)
25147 The progress of a rake: or, the Templar's exit. In ten cantos, in hudibrastick verse. Containing I. His coming out of the West of England, being put under the Care of his Uncle, a Middlesex Justice. II. His Learning at Westminster-School; and his creeping to Bed with the Maid, for fear of the Spirits. III. His going to Brasen-Nose College at Oxford; being expell'd for his Debaucheries; and Return into the Country; with his Whoring, Roaring, Ranting, Swearing, Fighting, &c. IV. His coming again to London; falling among Pettifoggers, and Solicitors; and the Disputes among his Friends, whether he should be a Priest, a Lawyer, or a Physician. V. His following all three successively; and his vast Improvement in each Faculty, especially that of a Cushion-Thumper. VI. His Natural Philosophy; other natural Parts, and natural Impudence. Vii. His Conversation with old Bauds, young Whores, and Town Sharpers. Viii. His ruining his Reputation, Estate, and Constitution. IX. His Pains, and Repentance; Sickness without Pity; and Misery without Mercy. X. His Death by a Halter; Burial by a Dunghil; and Funeral-Sermon by a converted Rake of Covent-Garden. The whole interspers'd with innocent Mirth, good Morals, and too much of the Author's own Experience. By the author of The harlot's progress. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Bispham Dickinson (Publisher)
Richard Montague (Publisher)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (Bookseller)
and 6 more.
1732 1
25853 The progress of patriotism: a poem humbly inscribed to that worthy patriot John Howe Esq. Knight of the Shire for the County of Wilts. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
L. B. (Publisher)
Anne Dodd I (Bookseller)
1731 1
5102 The progress of poetry. By Mrs. Madan. Madan , Judith (Author)
James Dodsley (Publisher)
1783 1
2605 The progress of romance, through times, countries and manners; with remarks on the good and bad effects of it, on them respectively; in a course of evening conversations. By C. R. author of the English Baron, The two mentors, &c. In two volumes. Reeve , Clara (Author)
William Keymer (Printer)
George, George, John and James Robinson (Bookseller)
William Keymer (Bookseller)
2618 The progress of romance, through times, countries, and manners; with Remarks on the Good and Bad Effects of it, on them Respectively; in a course of evening conversations. By C. R. author of the English Baron, the Two Mentors, &c. In two volumes. Reeve , Clara (Author)
John Cash [Capel Street] (Publisher)
Robert Marchbank [Dame Street] (Publisher)
Samuel Price [Henry Street] (Publisher)
and 4 more.
16708 The progress of the pilgrim Good Intent. In Jacobinical times. The third American edition. Burges , Mary Anne (Author)
Bunyan , John (Author)
William Walker Morse (Printer)
2190 The progress of the pilgrim good-intent, in Jacobinial Times. The third edition. Burges , Mary Anne (Author)
John Hatchard [173 Piccadilly] (Publisher)
John Hatchard [173 Piccadilly] (Printer)
James Noble Bateson (Printer)
1800 3
2198 The progress of the pilgrim good-intent, in Jacobinical times. Burges , Mary Anne (Author)
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (Publisher)
James Noble Bateson (Printer)
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (Bookseller)
1800 1
16710 The progress of the pilgrim Good-Intent, in Jacobinical times. Burges , Mary Anne (Author)
Bunyan , John (Author)
Cornelius Davis (Publisher)
16711 The progress of the pilgrim Good-Intent, in Jacobinical times. Burges , Mary Anne (Author)
Bunyan , John (Author)
George Hough (Printer)
George Hough (Bookseller)
16709 The progress of the pilgrim Good-Intent, in Jacobinical times. Sixth American Edition. Burges , Mary Anne (Author)
Heman, Willard, and Co. (Printer)
Heman, Willard, and Co. (Bookseller)
1802 6
2218 The progress of the pilgrim good-intent, in Jacobinical times. The fifth edition. Burges , Mary Anne (Author)
James Noble Bateson (Printer)
John Hatchard [173 Piccadilly] (Publisher)
1800 5
2195 The progress of the pilgrim Good-Intent, in Jacobinical times. The fourth edition. Burges , Mary Anne (Author)
John Hatchard [173 Piccadilly] (Publisher)
James Noble Bateson (Printer)
John Hatchard [173 Piccadilly] (Bookseller)
1800 4
16706 The progress of the pilgrim Good-Intent, in Jacobinical times. The second American, from the fifth English edition. Burges , Mary Anne (Author)
Bunyan , John (Author)
Samuel Etheridge (Printer)
Samuel Etheridge (Bookseller)
2205 The progress of the pilgrim good-intent, in Jacobinical times. The second edition. Burges , Mary Anne (Author)
James Noble Bateson (Printer)
John Hatchard [173 Piccadilly] (Publisher)
John Hatchard [173 Piccadilly] (Bookseller)
1800 2
16707 The progress of the pilgrim Good-Intent, in Jacobinical times. The third American, from the fifth English edition. Burges , Mary Anne (Author)
Bunyan , John (Author)
Joshua Cushing (Printer)
Cushing and Appleton (Publisher)
10770 The progress of the quartern-loaf: a poem. By Mary Elliott. Elliott , Mary Belson (Author)
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (Publisher)
1820 1
11640 The Promise, a Poetic Trifle. By a young lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Barbauld , Anna Laetitia (Author)
Thomas Kaye (Printer)
Thomas Kaye (Bookseller)
1834 1
13229 The promised visit: including an account of the various methods of manufacturing paper in different countries: to which are annexed, fifty questions, with a view to impress the subject on the youthful mind. By the author of 'The dew-drop.' Vaux , Frances Bowyer (Author)
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (Publisher)
Harvey, Darton, and Co. [printers] (Printer)
1821 2
10362 The promised visit: including an account of the various methods of manufacturing paper in different countries: to which are annexed, fifty questions, with a view to impress the subject on the youthful mind. By the author of "The dew-drop." Vaux , Frances Bowyer (Author)
William Darton, Joseph Harvey, and Samuel Darton (Publisher)
Darton, Harvey, and Co. [printers] (Printer)
1818 1
21841 The Prompter; or a Commentary on Common Sayings & Subjects, which are full of Common Sense, the best sense in the world. Webster , Noah (Author)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Jane Aitken [71 North Third Street] (Printer)
Benjamin and Thomas Kite (Publisher)
Johnson & Warner (Publisher)
1811 1
24983 The Proposal for Enabling the Clergy to Accept Advanced Rents in Lieu of Fines, Defended and Enforced: and the Justice of the Claim of the Tenants to Renew at Usual Times for Usual Fines, Asserted. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Anne Dodd I (Publisher)