There are 490 titles associated with this firm.

Laverenst, Anne. To ladies and all others of the female sex. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1700?.
Manley, Delarivier. A key to the first volume of Atalantis. London: 1709.
Manley, Delarivier. A key to the second part of the Atalantis. London: 1709.
Manley, Delarivier. The Key to Atalantis. Part I. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1709?.
Manley, Delarivier. The Key to atalantis. Part II. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1709?.
Manley, Delarivier. A key to the third volume of the Atalantis, call'd, Memoirs of Europe. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1712.
Unknown, [Woman]. An epistle to Sir. Scipio Hill, from Madam Kil-k. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1720.
Wast, Elisabeth. Memoirs, or, Spiritual exercises of Elisabeth Wast; written by her own hand. Edinburgh: s.n. [sine nomine], 1724.
Haywood, Eliza. Poems on several occasions. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1724.
Barber, Mary. Apollo's edict. Dublin: s.n. [sine nomine], 1725?.
Mackenzie, Frances. Scheme of the yearly rent of the estate of Seafort, from the year 1706 to 1715. Edinburgh: s.n. [sine nomine], 1729.
Grierson, Constantia. The goddess Envy to Doctor D--l--y. Dublin: s.n. [sine nomine], 1730.
Squire, Jane. A proposal to determine our longitude. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1731.
Aubin, Penelope. The masquerade: or the humorous cuckold. London: 1734.
Unknown, . Kick him Jenny, a merry tale. Dublin: s.n. [sine nomine], 1734.
Payne, Olive. A catalogue of a small parcel of books, In very good Condition. Many of them Curiously Bound, and all the rest Gilt on the Back or Letter'd, to be sold very cheap, On Tuesday the 13th of this Instant July, and to continue till all are sold, By Olive Payne, Bookseller, At Horace's Head, in Round-Court, in the Strand, opposite York-Buildings. Among which are, in Folio. Montsaucon's Antiq. French, fine Cuts, 10 vol. Poli Synopsis, 5 vol. Kennet's Hist. of Engl. 3 vol. Heads. Breval's Travels, 2 vol. Cuts. Bib. Polyglott. Montani, 2 tom. Peck's English Antiq. 2 vol. Cuts. Jebb's Life of Mary Q. of Scots, 2 vol. Spon's Miscel. Erud. Antiq. Fig. Mattaire's Marmora, Oxon. Fig. Religious Ceremonies, Cuts, 4 vol. Ciceronis Opera Gruteri, 2 tom. Bingham, 2 vol. compleat. Several of the Byzantine Historians. Buxtorf's Heb. Bible, best Edit. 2 vol. Reyneri de Antiq. Benedict. in Anglia Ovid, 3 vol. 1480. Hist. of Scotl. in Morocco, large Pap. Hist. of Ireland and Scotland. Fischer's Architecture, in German, French and English, 100 fine Cuts. Ovid in French, fine Cuts. Domat's Civil Law, 2 vol. large Pap. Capt. Johnson's Hist. of all the Pyrates Highwaymen, Murderers, Street-Robbers, &c. with 26 curious Cuts. Mabillon & D'achery Spicelegium, 2 vol. Beveridge's Works, 2 vol. Several Good Reports. Salmon's and Parkinson's Herbals. Livy in Latin, a beautiful Copy, ... - in English, best Edit. Anderson's Genealogical Tables, larg and small Paper. Winwood's and Cole's State Papers, vol. Crawfurd's Scotch Lives. Guillim, York, &c. Heraldry. Du Valle's Aristotle, 4 vol. Gr. La Rushworth's Collections, 8 vol. Burnet's Reformation, 3 vol. Quarto. Pope's Shakespear, 6 vol. St. Evremond & Rousseau's Works in French. Albin's Spiders and Insects, colour'd Octavo. State Tryals, 9 vol. compl. Clarendon, 6 vol. Field's Bible. Corpus Juris Civilis, 15 vol. Catalogues to be had gratis, with the Prices printed, at the Place of Sal Where may be had most Money for any Library or Parcel of Book: particularly Foreign, in any Language. N. B. At the same Place continues the Sale of the Library of W. Grainger, Es deceased, late Envoy at Stockholm, consisting of several thousand Volumes. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1736.
Stephens, Joanna. Mrs. Stephen's cure for the stone. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1739.
d'Orléans, Anne M. L. Mémoires de mademoiselle de Montpensier. Paris: s.n. [sine nomine], 1746.
Chappel, Sarah. Divine poems, composed by Sarah Chappel, belonging to the Tabernacle. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1750.
Forman, Catherine. The case of Mrs. Catherine Forman, of London. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1750.
Centlivre, Susanna. A Bold Stroke for a Wife. A Comedy. Written by Mrs. Susanna Cent-livre. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1754.
Seward, Elizabeth. Seward's charity. MDCCLIV. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1754.
Mingotti, Regina. An appeal to the publick by Signora Mingotti. London: 1755.
Cordier de Launay, Marguerite-Jeanne. Mémoires de Madame de Staal, écrits par elle-même. ... London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1755.
L'Héritier de Villandon, Marie-Jeanne. The discreet princess; or, the adventures of Finetta. A novel. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1755.
Osborn, Sarah. A letter to the Right Honourable the L---ds of the A------y. ... London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1757.
Osborn, Sarah. Letter to the Lords of the Admiralty, ... London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1757.
Osborn, Sarah. The Honourable Mrs. Osborne's, letter, to the Lords of the Admiralty, ... London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1757.
Jemmat, Catherine. Proposals for printing by subscription, the memoirs of Mrs. Catherine Jemmat. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1761.
Unknown, [Woman]. A new song, and a true song: by a lady. To the tune of Nancy Dawson. Exeter: s.n. [sine nomine], 1763.
d'Éon de Beaumont, Charles G. L. A. A. T. Nouvelles lettres du chevalier d'Eon, &c. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1764.
Chandler, Rachel. A letter from Rachel Chandler, to ministers and elders. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1766.
Unknown, . A letter from a minister in the country, to his friend In London. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1767.
Pye, Jael H. A short view of the principal seats and gardens in and about Twickenham. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1767.
Pye, Jael H. Poems. By a lady. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1767.
Baker, Eliza. To the public. Edinburgh: s.n. [sine nomine], 1767.
Unknown, [Woman]. A song on the Blues leaving York. Written by a lady in 1767. York: s.n. [sine nomine], 1768.
Unknown, . Extract of a letter from a lady in Colchester to her friend in town. Colchester: s.n. [sine nomine], 1768.
Harper, Elizabeth. An extract from the journal of Elizabeth Harper. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1769.
Knowles, Mary. Verses by Mary Knowles. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1770.
Sheridan, Frances C. Les desirs accomplis, et les plaisirs trompeurs. Traduits de l'anglois. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1771.
Wheatley Peters, Phillis. To Mrs. Leonard, on the Death of her Husband. Boston: s.n. [sine nomine], 1771.
Erskine, Frances. Memoirs relating to the Queen of Bohemia. By one of her ladies. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1772.
Rolt, Richard, and Mary Rolt. Select pieces, by the late R. Rolt. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1772.
Gessner, Salomon. The death of Abel. In five books. Attempted from the German of Mr Gessner. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1772.
Wheatley Peters, Phillis. To the Rev. Mr. Pitkin, on the Death of his Lady. Boston: s.n. [sine nomine], 1772.
Wheatley Peters, Phillis. To the Hon'ble Thomas Hubbard, Esq; On the Death of Mrs. Thankfull Leonard. Boston: s.n. [sine nomine], 1773.
Unknown, [Woman]. A song for the independent burgesses of Newcastle by a lady. Tyne and Wear: s.n. [sine nomine], 1774.
Bowes, Mary E. The siege of Jerusalem. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1774.
Unknown, [Woman]. A new song. Tune - True blue: by a lady. Leicester: s.n. [sine nomine], 1775.
Percy, Elizabeth S. A short tour made in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy one. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1775.
Southeil, Ursula. The strange and wonderful history and prophecies of Mother Shipton. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1775.
Southeil, Ursula. The strange and wonderful history and prophesies of mother Shipton. Newcastle upon Tyne: s.n. [sine nomine], 1775.
Scott, Mrs.. Woo'd and married and a'. A new song. Aberdeen: s.n. [sine nomine], 1775.
Knowles, Mary. A compendium of a controversy on water-baptism. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1776.
Jones, Mary. The lass on the brow of the hill. Edinburgh: s.n. [sine nomine], 1776.
Cowley, Hannah. The Runaway, a Comedy. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1776.
Scott, Mrs.. Woo'd and married and a'. Edinburgh: s.n. [sine nomine], 1776.
Unknown, [Woman]. Another new election song. By a lady. (Tune, He comes - he comes - the hero comes,- &c.) Newcastle upon Tyne: s.n. [sine nomine], 1777.
Jackson, Elizabeth. The lamentation of E. J. for a fallen race. Bristol: s.n. [sine nomine], 1777.
Gillam, Mary. To the author of Infant baptism dated 1773. Bath: s.n. [sine nomine], 1777.
Unknown, [Woman]. A new electioneering song, tune, - The dusky night. By a lady. Tyne and Wear: s.n. [sine nomine], 1780.
Campbell, Willielma. A short account of the life, experiences, and death of the Rev. Mr. F- S-. Edinburgh: s.n. [sine nomine], 1780.
Unknown, [Woman]. An excellent new election song. By a lady. Tyne and Wear: s.n. [sine nomine], 1780.
Unknown, [Woman]. The glorious revolutions of 1782. A heroic poem. In two parts. By a lady. Dublin: s.n. [sine nomine], 1782.
Brooke, Frances. The bud of the rose. Sung by Mr. Bannister, in in [sic] Rosina. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1783.
Brooke, Frances. The bud of the rose. Sung by Mr. Bannister, in the opera of Rosina. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1783.
Brooke, Frances. The gleaners. A favourite song, sung in the opera of Rosina. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1783.
Rigaud, Mrs.. On the death of Mr. Cipriani: by Mrs. Rigaud. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1785.
Unknown, [Woman]. On the Dutchess of Atholl and Lady Wright fishing at Atholl-House. By a lady. Perth: s.n. [sine nomine], 1785.
Wrighten, Mary A. Twas yes, kind Sir. A new song. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1785.
Williams, Helen M. Ode to peace by Helen-Maria Williams. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1786.
Lowes, Elizabeth. The case of Mrs. Lowes. York: s.n. [sine nomine], 1786.
Gessner, Salomon. The death of Abel : in five books. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1786.
Cordier de Launay, Marguerite-Jeanne. Mémoires de Madame la baronne de Staal, écrits par elle-même. ... London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1787.
Lennox, Charlotte. The female Quixote; or, the adventures of Arabella. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1787.
Blower, Elizabeth. George Bateman: a novel. In three volumes. s.n. [sine nomine], 1788.
Young, Mary. Horatio and Amanda, a poem. By a young lady. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1788.
Cavendish, Georgiana. Emma, or the unfortunate attachment; a sentimental novel; in three volumes. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1789.
de Valois-Saint-Rémy, Jeanne. Lettre de la comtesse Valois de la Mothe a la reine de France. Oxford: s.n. [sine nomine], 1789.
de Valois-Saint-Rémy, Jeanne. Second mémoire Justificatif de la comtesse de Valois de la Motte; écrit par elle-même. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1789.
de Valois-Saint-Rémy, Jeanne. Second mémoire justificatif de la comtesse de Valois de la Motte; écrit par elle-même. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1789.
Francis, Anne. Miscellaneous poems, by a lady. Norwich: 1790.
Unknown, [Woman]. An elegy, On the Death of Mr. Andrew Gifford Gwennap. By a lady. Falmouth: s.n. [sine nomine], 1790.
Unknown, [Woman]. Song. Tune, "The dusky night." By a lady. Southampton: s.n. [sine nomine], 1790.
More, Hannah. The beautiful and interesting account of the shepherd of Salisbury Plain. Edinburgh: s.n. [sine nomine], 1790.
Weylar, Maria. The captive. By Maria Barrell; at the King's Bench. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1790.
Smith, Charlotte T. The dead beggar an elegy. ... By Charlotte Smith. Edinburgh: s.n. [sine nomine], 1790.
Unknown, [Woman]. A squint at Elysium: or, Duke & no duke. A poem. By a lady of Birmingham. Birmingham: s.n. [sine nomine], 1791.
Ritchie, Elizabeth. An authentic narrative of the last sickness and death of the Rev. John Wesley. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1791.
Unknown, [Woman]. An elegy, on the late Reverend John Wesley, wrote by a woman. Bristol: s.n. [sine nomine], 1791.
Yearsley, Ann. The dispute. Letter to the public. From the milkwoman. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1791.
Rowson, Susanna. I never will be married. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1792.
, Elizabeth. Mar Lodge. Written by Elizabeth, August 16, 1792. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1792.
Battier, Henrietta. Gibbonade. First number. Dublin: s.n. [sine nomine], 1793.
Battier, Henrietta. Number 1. The gibbonade; or; political reviewer. Dublin: s.n. [sine nomine], 1793.
Heron, Mary. The conflict. A sentimental tale in a series of letters. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1793.
Stratford, Thomas. Lord Russell [Russel], a Tragedy. London: 1794.
Battier, Henrietta. The Gibbonade: or, political reviewer. Third number. Dublin: 1794.
Stratford, Thomas. Lord Russel, a Tragedy. Dublin: s.n. [sine nomine], 1794.
Barnard, Anne L. Auld Robin Gray. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1795.
More, Hannah. Dame Andrews, a ballad. Bath: s.n. [sine nomine], 1795.
Rowson, Susanna. I'm in haste. A new song. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1795.
Battier, Henrietta. Marriage ode royal after the manner of Dryden. Dublin: s.n. [sine nomine], 1795.
Carnegie, Mary. Montrose races. An epistle from Miss C. at Montrose to Miss M.M. at Edinburgh. Edinburgh: s.n. [sine nomine], 1795.
Carnegie, Mary. Montrose races: a comic cantata. In three parts. Set to music by Mr Urbani. Edinburgh: s.n. [sine nomine], 1795.
More, Hannah. Patient Joe, or the Newcastle collier. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1795.
More, Hannah. The Hackney Coachman, or, The Way to Get a Good Fare. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1796.
Unknown, [Woman]. The rejoinder; or Attingham triumphant. (By an old maid.) Shrewsbury: s.n. [sine nomine], 1796.
More, Hannah. The story of sinful Sally. Told by herself. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1796.
Byam, Lydia. A collection of exotics, from the island of Antigua. By a lady. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1797.
Melroe, Eliza. A saving of thirty pounds per cent. by a new method of cookery. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1797.
More, Hannah. Cheap Repository. The day of judgment, or, the grand reckoning. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1797.
Bury, Charlotte S. M. C. Poems on several occasions. By a lady. Edinburgh: s.n. [sine nomine], 1797.
Fenn, Ellenor. A complete catalogue of Mrs. Teachwell's books. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1798.
Greensted, Frances. Fugitive pieces. Maidstone: s.n. [sine nomine], 1798.
West, Elisabeth. Memoirs, or spiritual exercises of Elisabeth West: written by her own hand. Edinburgh: s.n. [sine nomine], 1798.
Du Wicquet, T. J. La mort D'amyntas. Poëme pastoral. Par l'auteur de l'Épitre à mon pere. Chelsea: s.n. [sine nomine], 1799.
Tuite, Eliza D. Poems by Lady Tuite. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1799.
Gunning, Elizabeth. The gipsy countess: a novel. By Miss Gunning. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1799.
Brayer de Saint-Léon, Louise M. J. M. Eugenio et Virginia. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1800.
Brooke, Frances. The gleaners. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1800.
Burney, Frances. Evelina. A new edition. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1808.
Wilkinson, Jemima, and Isaac Watts. A Wonderful Dream. By Miss Jemima Wilkinson, a Sleeping Preacher. United States: s.n. [sine nomine], 1816.
Haywood, Eliza. The city widow: or, love in a butt. A novel. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane], [1729].