There are 740 titles associated with this person.

More, Hannah. The search after happiness: a pastoral drama. The fifth edition. Bristol: John Souter [St. Paul's Churchyard], 1774.
More, Hannah. The inflexible captive. A tragedy. By Miss Hannah More. Dublin: James Williams [21 Skinner Row], 1775.
More, Hannah. Sir Eldred of the Bower, and the bleeding rock: two legendary tales. By Miss Hannah More. Dublin: James Potts, Samuel Watson [Dame Street], William Watson I, Richard Cross, Thomas Walker, Richard Moncrieffe [16 Capel Street], William Colles [19 Dame Street], Thomas Stewart [Merchants Quay], Edward Cross, Caleb Jenkin [58 Dame Street], James Williams [21 Skinner Row], Samuel Price [Henry Street], William Whitestone [Skinner Row], Josiah Sheppard [Shepherd] [S. Anne Street], Thomas Armitage [College Green], Thomas Wilkinson (I), William Wilson [6 Dame Street] [1763–66; 1768–95], William Sleater I [Castle Street], Michael Mills [Dorset Street], William Gilbert [46 South Great George's Street], W. Halhead, John Hillary (also Hillery) [Castle Street], Henry Burrowes, Patrick Higly, James Hoey, Junior [Parliament Street], Richard Stewart [Abbey Street], William Spotswood [College Green], 1776.
More, Hannah. Essays on various subjects, principally designed for young ladies. London: Thomas Cadell [London], John Wilkie, 1777.
More, Hannah. The search after happiness: a pastoral drama. The seventh edition. London: Thomas Cadell [London], John Wilkie, 1778.
More, Hannah. Florio: A tale, for fine gentlemen and fine ladies: and, the bas bleu; or conversation: two poems. Dublin: James Moore [Dublin], John Cash [Capel Street], William McKenzie [Dame Street], Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street], Thomas Heery, William Colles [17 New Buildings, Dame Street], Luke White [Dame Street], 1786.
More, Hannah. Slavery, a poem. By Hannah More. London: Thomas Cadell [London], 1788.
More, Hannah. The works of Miss Hannah More in prose and verse. Cork: Patrick Byrne I [College Green], Thomas White, 1789.
More, Hannah. An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world. By one of the laity. The third edition. Dublin: Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge], James Moore [Dublin], William Jones I [Dame Street], Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street], John Rice [5 College Green], George Draper, Randal McAllister [Dame Street], Arthur Grueber [59 Dame Street], John Jones [Grafton Street], R. White [Dublin], 1791.
More, Hannah. Cheap Repository. The two shoemakers. Part I. London: Cheap Repository Tracts, 1795.
More, Hannah. Dame Andrews, a ballad. Bath: s.n. [sine nomine], 1795.
More, Hannah. Patient Joe, or the Newcastle collier. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1795.
More, Hannah. The apprentice's monitor. Or, Indentures in verse, shewing what they are bound to do. Bath: S. Hazard, R. White [London], Cheap Repository Tracts, John Marshall I [Aldermary], 1795.
More, Hannah. The gin-shop; or, a peep into a prison. London: S. Hazard, R. White [London], John Marshall I [Aldermary], 1795.
More, Hannah. The two shoemakers. Dublin: Bennett Dugdale [Capel Street], 1795.
More, Hannah. The search after happiness: a pastoral drama. London: Thomas Cadell and William Davies, 1796.
More, Hannah. The story of sinful Sally. Told by herself. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1796.
More, Hannah. The history of idle Jack Brown ... being the third part of the two shoemakers. London: S. Hazard, R. White [London], John Elder [9 North Bridge], 1797.
More, Hannah. Cheap Repository Tracts; Entertaining, Moral, and Religious. London: John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly], S. Hazard, James Evans, Francis and Charles Rivington, 1798.
More, Hannah. A King or a Consul? A new song to the tune of Derry down. Bath: John Hatchard [173 Piccadilly], 1799.
More, Hannah. The Harvest Home. Philadelphia: 1800.
More, Hannah. The Shepherd of Salisbury Plain. Part I. Philadelphia: B. & J. Johnson, 1800.
More, Hannah. The Story of Sinful Sally; the Hampshire Tragedy; the Bad Bargain; and Robert and Richard. London: John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly], S. Hazard, John Evans and Co., 1805.
More, Hannah. Percy: A Tragedy. . . . Adapted for Theatrical Representation, as Performed at the Theatres-Royal, London. Manchester: Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Thomas Wilson and Robert Spence, Randall and William Dean, William Champante and Benjamin Whitrow, Benjamin Crosby and Co., 1807.
More, Hannah. The Beggarly boy. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [247 Market Street], 1807.
More, Sarah and Hannah More. The Cheapside apprentice. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [247 Market Street], 1807.
More, Hannah. The fortune teller. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [247 Market Street], 1807.
More, Hannah. The happy waterman. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [247 Market Street], 1807.
More, Hannah. The history of Black Giles. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [247 Market Street], 1807.
More, Hannah and William Cowper. The History of the Two Shoemakers. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [249 Market Street], 1807.
More, Hannah. The new fashioned philosopher. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [247 Market Street], 1807.
More, Hannah. The shepherd of Salisbury Plain. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [247 Market Street], 1807.
More, Hannah, et al. 'Tis all for the best. New Haven: 1808.
More, Hannah. Coelebs in search of a wife. Comprehending observations on domestic habits and manners, religion and morals. The Fifth American Edition. In two volumes. Boston: Oliver Cromwell Greenleaf, John West and Company, Munroe and Francis [4 Cornhill], West and Blake, William Andrews, Edward Cotton, Lincoln & Edmands, 1810.
More, Hannah. Patient Joe: Wild Robert Dan and Jane: And The Gin-shop. London: John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly], Howard and Evans, J. Binns, 1810.
More, Hannah. The shepherd of Salisbury Plain. New Haven: Walter, Austin, & Co., 1810.
More, Hannah. The shepherd of Salisbury Plain. New Haven: Walter, Austin, & Co., 1810.
The Fall of Adam. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, 1811.
More, Hannah. The happy waterman. Ornamented with cuts. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [No. 22, North Second Street], 1812.
More, Hannah. The shepherd of Salisbury Plain. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [455 Market Street], 1812.
More, Hannah. The shepherd of Salisbury Plain. Ornamented with cuts. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [No. 22, North Second Street], 1812.
More, Hannah. Christian morals. By Hannah More. First American from the Fourth London Edition. New York: Eastburn, Kirk and Co., Bradford and Read (Boston), 1813.
More, Hannah. Christian Morals: By Hannah More. In Two Volumes. London: Thomas Cadell and William Davies, 1813.
More, Hannah. Christian morals: by Hannah More. Second American Edition. New York: Richard Scott [276 Pearl Street], 1813.
More, Hannah. John the Shopkeeper Turned Sailor; or, the Folly of Going out of Our Element. In Four Parts. London: J. Binns, John Evans and Son, John Hatchard [173 Piccadilly], 1813.
More, Hannah. The history of Mr. Fantom, the new fashioned philosopher, and his man William. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [No. 22, North Second Street], 1813.
More, Hannah. The two wealthy farmers, or, The history of Mr. Bragwell, and his friend Farmer Worthy. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [No. 22, North Second Street], 1813.
More, Hannah. The valley of tears, or, Bear ye one anothers burthens. A vision. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [No. 22, North Second Street], 1813.
More, Hannah. The works of Hannah More, including several pieces never before published. Philadelphia: Edward Earle, Eastburn, Kirk and Co., 1813.
More, Hannah. Parley the porter. An allegory. Andover: New England Tract Society, 1814.
More, Hannah. The happy waterman. Ornamented with cuts. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [No. 22, North Second Street], 1814.
More, Hannah. The shepherd of Salisbury-Plain. Andover: New England Tract Society, 1814.
More, Hannah. The shepherd of Salisbury-Plain. Andover: New England Tract Society, 1814.
Baldwin, Elihu Whittlesey and Hannah More. On fashionable amusements. Andover: New England Tract Society, 1815.
More, Hannah. Parley the porter. An allegory. Andover: New England Tract Society, 1815.
More, Hannah. The shepherd of Salisbury Plain. Philadelphia: Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church for the Advancement of Christianity in Pennsylvania, 1815.
More, Hannah. Poems by Hannah More. London: Thomas Cadell and William Davies, 1816.
More, Hannah. The shepherd of Salisbury Plain. Hartford: Hartford Evangelical Tract Society, 1816.
More, Hannah. 'Tis all for the best. By Miss Hannah More. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
More, Hannah. Sacred Dramas: Chiefly Intended for Young Persons . . . . London: Thomas Cadell and William Davies, 1817.
More, Hannah. The History of Mr. Fantom, the new fashioned philosopher, and his man William. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [31 Market Street], 1817.
More, Hannah. The sorrows of Yamba: or, The Negro woman's lamentation. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
More, Hannah. The Sorrows of Yamba; or the negro woman's lamentation. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
More, Hannah. The two wealthy farmers, or The history of Mr. Bragwell. Philadelphia: Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church for the Advancement of Christianity in Pennsylvania, Episcopal Female Tract Society of Philadelphia, 1817.
Edgeworth, Maria and Hannah More. Lame Jervas; a Tale. By Maria Edgeworth. Pittsburgh, PA: Cramer & Spear, 1818.
Baldwin, Elihu Whittlesey and Hannah More. On fashionable amusements. Andover: New England Tract Society, 1818.
More, Hannah. The happy waterman. Ornamented with cuts. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [31 Market Street], 1818.
More, Hannah. The history of Hester Wilmot. Philadelphia: The Sunday and Adult School Union, 1818.
More, Hannah. The history of Mr. Fantom, the new fashioned philosopher, and his man William. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [31 Market Street], 1818.
More, Hannah. The History of Tom White, the postilion. Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson [31 Market Street], 1818.
More, Hannah. The shepherd of Salisbury Plain. Andover: New England Tract Society, 1818.
More, Hannah. Tragedies. By Hannah More. London: Thomas Cadell and William Davies, 1818.
More, Hannah. 'Tis all for the best. Philadelphia: The Religious Tract Society of Philadelphia, 1819.
More, Hannah. Parley the porter. An allegory. Andover: New England Tract Society, 1819.
More, Hannah. Percy. A Tragedy, in Five Acts. London: John Cumming, T. Hughes [Ludgate St], John Sutherland [9 Calton Street], David Sampson Maurice, John Bysh, 1819.
More, Hannah. The pilgrims, an allegory. Philadelphia: The Religious Tract Society of Philadelphia, 1819.
More, Hannah. Sacred Dramas. Chiefly Intended for Young Persons. The Subjects Taken from the Bible. . . . With a Memoir of the Author. London: Anthony King Newman and Co., John Sutherland [9 Calton Street], Richard Griffin and Co. [75 Hutcheson Street], R. Jennings, Thomas Tegg [111 Cheapside], 1823.
More, Hannah. Sacred Dramas. Chiefly Intended for Young Persons. The Subjects Taken from the Bible . . . . London: Nathaniel Hailes [172 Piccadilly], Richard Griffin and Co. [64 Hutcheson Street], Bowdery and Kerby, Thomas Tegg [73 Cheapside], 1827.
More, Hannah, et al. The History of Elizabeth Loveless, a faithful servant and affectionate child. New York: American Tract Society [New York], 1827.
More, Hannah, et al. The Anti-slavery Album: Selections in Verse. London: Howlett and Brimmer, 1828.
More, Hannah. Poems. By Hannah More. A New Edition. London: Thomas Cadell Jun., 1829.
More, Hannah. Sacred Dramas; the Search after Happiness; and Other Poems. London: Jones and Co. [Warwick Square], 1829.
More, Hannah. Sacred Dramas; the Search after Happiness; and Other Poems. London: Jones and Co. [Warwick Square], 1832.
More, Hannah. Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education. By Hannah More. London: Thomas Tegg and Son, Richard Griffin and Co. [115 Buchanan Street], James Stillies and Co., John Cumming, 1834.
Barbauld, Anna Laetitia, et al. The Young Ladies' Class Book; a Selection of Lessons for Reading, in Prose and Verse. By Ebenezer Bailey, Principal of the Young Ladies' High School, Boston. Stereotype Edition. Boston: Benjamin Collins and Samuel Hannay, Gould, Kendall, and Lincoln, N. and J. White, Bennett & Bright, Grigg and Elliot, Henry Perkins, Cushing and Sons, E. F. Duren, Edward J. Lane, 1835.