Name History

A composition, memoir, or anecdote, or record of a place, event, or individual. Works in this category are often derived from the genre designation on the title page.


Displaying 51–75 of 198

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
20892 An Impartial and concise history of the French Revolution, from its first causes and commencement in 1789, to the conclusion, and coronation of Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, on the 2d Dec. 1804. From the most authentic sources. First American edition. Unknown ,
Esther Prentiss Low (New York)
1810 First American edition.
5032 Anecdotes du quatorsieme siecle, pour servir à l'histoire des femmes illustres de ce tems. Par Mme Le Prince de Beaumont. Leprince de Beaumont , Jeanne-Marie
14903 Argument on the French Revolution. By David Hartley, Esq. Hartley , David
Richard Cruttwell (Bath)
15631 Biographium Fæmineum. The Female Worthies: or, Memoirs of the Most Illustrious Ladies, of all Ages and Nations, who have been Eminently distinguished for their Magnanimity, Learning, Genius, Virtue, Piety, and other excellent Endowments, conspicuous in all the various Stations and Relations of Life, public and private. Containing (exclusive of Foreigners) The Lives of above Fourscore British Ladies, who have shone with a peculiar Lustre, and given the noblest Proofs of the most exalted Genius, and superior Worth. Collected from History, and the most approved Biographers, and brought down to the present Time. In Two Volumes. Unknown ,
Stanley Crowder (London)
John Payne [Feathers] (London)
John Wilkie (London)
William Nicholl (London)
John Wren (London)
3908 Considerations historiques & politiques sur les impots des Egyptiens, des Babyloniens, des Perses, des Grecs, des Romains, & sur les différentes situations de la France par rapport aux finances depuis l'établissement des Francs dans la Gaule jusqu' à présent; Ou memoires pour servir à l'histoire générale des finances. Par M. D'Eon de Beaumont, chevalier de l'ordre royal & militaire de St. Louis, capitaine de Dragons, censeur royal, ancien Aide-de-Camp de M M.le Maréchal Duc & Comte de Broglio & ministre plénipotentiaire de France auprés du roi de la Grande-Bretagne. Tome Premier. Troisieme Edition. d'Éon de Beaumont , Charles Geneviève Louis Auguste André Timothée
1764 Troisime Edition.
19972 Considerations on the principal events of the French Revolution. Posthumous work of the Baroness de Stael. Edited by the Duke de Broglie and the Baron de Stael. Translated from the original manuscript. In two volumes. de Staël von Holstein , Anne Louise Germaine
James Eastburn & Co. (New York City)
26222 Conversations upon comparative chronology and general history, from the creation of the world to the birth of Christ. Loudon , Jane C.
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
21487 Cornelii Nepotis Vitae excellentium imperatorum: cum versione Anglicana, in qua verbum de verbo, quantum fieri potuit, redditur: notis quoque Anglicis, & indice locupletissimo. Or, Cornelius Nepos's Lives of the excellent commanders. With an English translation, as literal as possible: with English notes, and a large index. By John Clarke, late master of the public grammar-school in Hull. Nepos , Cornelius
Vossius , Gerardus Joannes
Johnson & Warner (Philadelphia)
Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street] (Philadelphia)
Thomas and William Bradford (Philadelphia)
B. B. Hopkins & Co. (Philadelphia)
Bennett & Walton (Philadelphia)
Edward Earle (Philadelphia)
C. & A. Conrad & Co. (Philadelphia)
Bradford and Inskeep (Philadelphia) (Philadelphia)
Kimber and Conrad (Philadelphia)
Stephen Pike (Philadelphia)
14345 Cornelius Nepos de vitis excellentium imperatorum. Interpretatione & notis illustravit Nicolaus Cortin ... in usum serenissimi delphini. Editio duodecima, prioribus multo emendatior. Nepos , Cornelius
Francis, Charles and John Rivington (London)
George, George, John and James Robinson (London)
Robert Baldwin I (London)
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] (London)
Thomas Longman II (London)
1786 Editio duodecima, prioribus multo emendatior.
14346 Cornelius Nepos de vitis excellentium imperatorum. Interpretatione & Notis illustravit Nicolaus Courtin, Humanitatis Professor in Universitate Paris. Jussu Christianissimi Regis, in usum serenissimi delphini. Editio decima-tertia, prioribus multo emendatior. Nepos , Cornelius
Francis, Charles and John Rivington (London)
Thomas Longman II (London)
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] (London)
Robert Baldwin I (London)
George, George, John and James Robinson (London)
1791 Editio decima-tertia, prioribus multò emendatior.
21389 D. Junii Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci satirae. Interpretatione ac notis illustravit Ludovicus Prateus, rhetoricae professor emeritus; jussu Christianissimi regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini. Editio prima americana. Juvenal ,
Persius Flaccus , Aulus
Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street] (Philadelphia)
1814 Editio prima americana.
26223 De L'Allemagne. Par Mme la Baronne de Staël Holstein. de Staël von Holstein , Anne Louise Germaine
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
13043 De L'Allemagne. Par Mme la Baronne de Staël Holstein. Seconde Édition. de Staël von Holstein , Anne Louise Germaine
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
1813 Seconde Édition.
5000 Education complete ou abregé de l'histoire universelle, melée de géographie, de chronologie. A l'usage de la famille royale de S.A.R. la Princesse de Galles. Par Mme le P. de Beaumont. Leprince de Beaumont , Jeanne-Marie
John Nourse (London)
5030 Education complette, ou Abrégé de l'histoire ancienne, mele de geographie et de chronologie. A l'usage de la famille royale de feu S.A.R. la Princesse de Galles. Par Mme. Le P. de Beaumont. Nouvelle edition, revue & corrig&eacutee avec soin. Leprince de Beaumont , Jeanne-Marie
1796 Nouvelle edition, revue & corrig&eacutee avec soin.
26143 England and France: A Comparative View of the Social Condition of Both Countries. From the Restoration of Charles the Second, to the Present Time. By the editor of Madame du Deffand's Letters. A New Edition, in Two Volumes. Berry , Mary
Richard Bentley (London)
1834 A New Edition.
727 Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland: To Which are Added, Translations from the Gaelic, and Letters Connected With Those Formerly Published. In two volumes. By the author of "Letters from the Mountains." Grant , Anne
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
14413 Fall River, an authentic narrative. By the author of "Tales, National, Revolutionary," &c. &c. Williams , Catherine Read
26224 Germany; by the Baroness Staël Holstein. Translated from the French. In three volumes. de Staël von Holstein , Anne Louise Germaine
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
17750 God's mercy surmounting man's cruelty, exemplified in the captivity and redemption of Elizabeth Hanson, wife of John Hanson, of Knoxmarsh at Kecheachy, in Dover township, who was taken captive with her children and maid-servant, by the Indians in New-England, in the year 1724, in which are inserted, sundry remarkable preservations, deliverances, and marks of the care and kindness of Providence over her and her children, worthy to be remembered. The substance of which was taken from her own mouth, and published for general service. The Third Edition. Hanson , Elizabeth
1803 The Third Edition.
6739 Historical anecdotes of heraldry and chivalry, tending to shew the origin of many English and foreign coats of arms, circumstances and customs. Dobson , Susannah
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
James Robson (London)
7032 Historical anecdotes of heraldry and chivalry, tending to shew the origin of many English and foreign coats of arms, circumstances and customs. Illustrated with engravings. Dobson , Susannah
James Barker and Son (London)
Benjamin Uphill (London)
6917 Historical anecdotes of heraldy and chivalry, tending to shew the origin of many English and foreign coats of arms, Circumstances and Customs. Dobson , Susannah
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
James Robson (London)
21327 History of England, from the first invasion by Julius Caesar, to the peace of Ghent; comprising every political event worthy of remembrance: a progressive view of religion, language, and manners; of men eminent for their virtue or their learning; their patriotism, eloquence, or philosophical research; of the introduction of manufactures, and of colonial establishments. With an interrogative index, for the use of schools. By William Grimshaw, author of The improved history of Rome. Grimshaw , William
Benjamin Warner [171 Market Street] (Philadelphia)
17570 History of the Duchess of C****, who was confined in a dungeon under ground, by her unrelenting husband, whom she saw but once during her imprisonment of nine years, in which course of time she frequently suffered the severity of extreme hunger, thirst and cold. But happily, a few days before her tyrant's death, he disclosed the secret of her subterraneous abode to a friend; from which she was soon after released by her parents. from the French of Madame de Genlis. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
Edward Johnson Coale (Baltimore)