There are 309 titles associated with this firm.

Unknown , . (1714). New discoveries of the dangers of popery. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Anne Dodd I.
Oldmixon , J. (1714). Remarks on the letter to the dissenters. by a churchman. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Thomas Harrison. Anne Dodd I. R. Bond.
Oldmixon , J. (1714). Remarks on the letter to the dissenters. by a churchman. the second edition. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Thomas Harrison. Anne Dodd I. R. Bond.
Centlivre , S. (1717). An epistle to the king of sweden from a lady of great-britain. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Arabella Morris.
Unknown , . (1717). The occasional paper. vol. ii. numb. ix. of societies for reformation of manners; with an address to magistrates. London: James Knapton. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1718). A collection of the occasional papers for the year 1717. vol. ii. with a preface; and a table of contents, to both volumes. London: James Knapton. Emanuel Matthews. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1718). An essay on the pride of authors. London: James Knapton. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1718). The occasional paper. vol. ii. numb. xi. letters to the author. London: James Knapton. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1718). The occasional paper. vol. ii. numb. xii. an essay on the pride of authors. London: James Knapton. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1718). The occasional paper. vol. iii. numb. i. of retractations. London: James Knapton. Emanuel Matthews. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1719). The occasional paper. vol. iii. numb. ix. of plays and masquerades. London: Emanuel Matthews. James Roberts [Warwick Lane]
Unknown , . (1719). The occasional paper. vol. iii. numb. ix. of plays and masquerades. the second edition. London: Emanuel Matthews. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Lowman , M. (1719). The occasional paper. vol. iii. numb. xi. an essay to prevent uncharitable contentions about the doctrine of the trinity. London: Emanuel Matthews. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Savage , S. (1719). The sufficiency and perfection of the holy scriptures, as a rule of faith and manners. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1719). The synod. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Mitchell , J. (1720). Jonah: a poem. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Anne Dodd I.
Mitchell , J. (1720). Jonah: a poem. the second edition. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1720?). Reasons for the strict observation of the king's peace on the solemn fast of the thirtieth of january. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1722). The prude, a tale: in two canto's. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I. Samuel Huddleston. E. Griffith.
Racine , J. (1723). The fatal legacy; a tragedy. as it is acted at the theatre-royal in lincolns-inn fields. London: Edward Symon. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Anne Dodd I.
Haywood , E. (1724). The arragonian queen: a secret history. James Roberts [Warwick Lane]
(1724). The arragonian queen: a secret history. James Roberts [Warwick Lane]
Manley , D. (1725). Bath-intrigues: in four letters to a friend in london. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane]
Haywood , E., & Manley , D. (1725). Bath-intrigues: in four letters to a friend in london. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane]
Manley , D., & Haywood , E. (1725). Bath-intrigues: in four letters to a friend in london. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane]
Unknown , . (1725). Female piety and virtue. a poem. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Jane Billingsley. Anne Dodd I. John Stagg. Henry Whitridge [Lincoln's Inn]
Beckingham , C. (1726). An ode to the right honourable sir robert walpole, knight of the most noble order of the garter. on his installation. by mr. beckingham. London: John Millan. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Nicholas Blandford. Anne Dodd I. Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange]
Broxholme , N. (1728). A letter from a lady to her husband abroad. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane]
Unknown , . (1729). Bartholomew-fair: or, a ramble to smithfield. a poem in imitation of milton. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Anne Dodd I.
Wright , S. (1729). The great concern of human life: or, a summary account of the fear of god, and keeping his commandments. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Anne Dodd I. Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange]
Unknown , . (1730). Some account of the life and character of timoleon. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Anne Dodd I.
Chandler , M. (1733). A description of bath: a poem. in a letter to a friend. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Jackson. John Gray.
Unknown , . (1734). Modern patriotism, a poem. London: John Brindley.
Unknown , . (1734?). Modern patriotism, or faction display'd: a poem. being a satire on political writers. London: John Brindley. John Jolliffe. Oliver Payne. Alexander Lyon. Charles Corbett.
Haywood , E. ([1729]). The city widow: or, love in a butt. a novel. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane]