Name Art/Literary/Cultural Criticism


Displaying 76–100 of 110

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
25193 Taste. An essay. Rollin , Charles
William Shropshire (London)
25150 Taste. An essay. By J. S. D.S.P. The Second Edition. Rollin , Charles
1739 The Second Edition.
25306 Taste. An essay. By J. S. D.S.P. The Second Edition. Rollin , Charles
1739 The Second Edition.
25258 The art of scribling, address'd to all the scriblers of the age. By Scriblerus Maximus. Unknown ,
Anne Dodd I (London)
410 The Artist: A Collection of Essays, relative to Painting, Poetry, Sculpture, Architecture, the Drama, Discoveries of Science, and Various Other Subjects. Edited by Prince Hoare. In Two Vols. Hoare , Prince
Inchbald , Elizabeth
John Murray II [Fleet Street] (London)
Archibald Constable and Co. [Cross Well] (Edinburgh)
25908 The battle of the authors lately fought in Covent-Garden, between Sir John Edgar, generalissimo on one side, and Horatius Truewit, on the other. With a List of the general Officers, and some of their Characters: Also an Account of Sir John Edgar's being taken Prisoner; with his Tryal and Condemnation, being Sentenc'd to have his Eyes pick'd out with a Balad-Maker's Pen, &c. The whole being Occasion'd by the late Revolutions of the Theatre in Drury-Lane. Dedicated to Count Hecre, Masquerade Master General of Great-Britain. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
5533 The beauties of Mrs. Siddons: or, a review of her performance of the characters of Belvidera, Zara, Isabella, Margaret of Anjou, Jane Shore,-And Lady Randolph; in letters from a lady of distinction, to her Friend in the Country. Unknown ,
John Strahan (London)
12756 The Belle's Stratagem; a Comedy, in five acts; by Mrs. Cowley. As performed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane and Covent Garden. Printed under the authority of the managers from the prompt-book. With remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. Cowley , Hannah
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
15588 The British Novelists; with an Essay, and Prefaces Biographical and Critical, by Mrs. Barbauld. A New Edition. Burney , Frances
Edgeworth , Maria
Inchbald , Elizabeth
Radcliffe , Ann
Richardson , Samuel
Lennox , Charlotte
Goldsmith , Oliver
Smith , Charlotte
Walpole , Horace
Hawkesworth , John
Moore , John
Coventry , Francis
Fielding , Henry
Johnson , Samuel
Graves , Richard
Defoe , Daniel
Reeve , Clara
Joseph Booker (London)
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
Joseph Mawman [Poultry] (London)
James Scatcherd and Charles Letterman [Litterman] (London)
Francis, Charles and John Rivington (London)
John Richardson [Royal Exchange] (Cornhill)
John Miller [69 Fleet Street] (London)
James Asperne (London)
Samuel Bagster [Strand] (London)
James Nunn (London)
Lackington and Co. (London)
James Carpenter [14 Old Bond Street] (London)
William Lowndes [Bedford Street] (London)
Cuthell and Martin (London)
John Murray II [Fleet Street] (London)
Edward Jeffery and Son (London)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Co. (London)
T. Wilkie
J. and W. T. Clarke
John Otridge [1816-21] (London)
James Black [York Street] (London)
Hannah Black and Co. (London)
John Richardson [Royal Exchange] (Cornhill)
James Malcott Richardson (London)
R. Scholey (London)
Robert Harding Evans [96 Pall Mall] (London)
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
John Booth (London)
William Ginger [1767-1792, 1805-1830] (London)
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
Thomas Hodgson (London)
John Bohn (London)
John Ebers [27 Old Bond Street] (London)
Sherwood, Neely, and Jones (London)
G. and W. B. Whittaker (London)
Stirling & Slade (Edinburgh)
Fairbairn and Anderson (Edinburgh)
Henry Setchell and Son (London)
Whitmore and Fenn
Rowland Hunter (London)
G. Cowir and Co.
Robert Saunders (London)
Thomas and Joseph Allman [Princes St] (London)
J. Boone
C. Brown (London)
J. Brumby
Edwards and Co.
Thomas Hamilton (London)
J. Lepard
George Mackie
William Mason [London] (London)
Ogle, Duncan, and Co. (London)
John Rodwell and Martin (London)
Thomas Hurst, George Robinson and Co. [Cheapside] (London)
Thomas Wilson and Sons (York)
1820 A New Edition
283 The British Novelists; with an Essay; and Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, by Mrs. Barbauld Smith , Charlotte
Moore , John
Graves , Richard
Edgeworth , Maria
Inchbald , Elizabeth
Hawkesworth , John
Johnson , Samuel
Radcliffe , Ann
Burney , Frances
Lennox , Charlotte
Goldsmith , Oliver
Coventry , Francis
Walpole , Horace
Fielding , Henry
Richardson , Samuel
Reeve , Clara
Brooke , Frances
Joseph Johnson and Co. (London)
Joseph Booker (London)
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
Sherwood, Neely, and Jones (London)
Benjamin Crosby and Co. (London)
Joseph Mawman [Poultry] (London)
George Wilkie and John Robinson (London)
James Scatcherd and Charles Letterman [Litterman] (London)
Charles Law (London)
James Malcott Richardson (London)
Francis, Charles and John Rivington (London)
Andrew Strahan [1788-1806, 1817-1831] (London)
Robert Baldwin I (London)
William Creech (Edinburgh)
Ann Vernor, Thomas Hood, and Charles Sharpe (London)
John Richardson [Royal Exchange] (Cornhill)
John Miller [69 Fleet Street] (London)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
James Asperne (London)
Thomas Payne II (London)
Samuel Bagster [Strand] (London)
Elizabeth Mathews and Samuel Leigh (London)
Wilson and Son (York)
James Nunn (London)
Lackington and Co. (London)
Richard Lea [Greek Street, Soho] (London)
Edward Jeffery [Warwick Street] (London)
Hannah Black, Parry, and Kingsbury (London)
J.K. Newman (London)
William Clarke and Son (London)
William Otridge and Son (London)
Thomas Booth (London)
John Harding (London)
J. Faulder (London)
George Robinson [iii] (London)
James Carpenter [14 Old Bond Street] (London)
Richard Phillips [6 Bridge Street] (London)
William Lowndes [Bedford Street] (London)
John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] (London)
Cuthell and Martin (London)
John Murray II [Fleet Street] (London)
Robert Baldwin III (London)
1240 The British Theatre; or, A collection of plays, which are acted at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and Haymarket. Printed under the authority of the managers from the prompt books. With critical and biographical remarks, by Mrs. Inchbald. In twenty-five volumes. Addison , Joseph
Hill , Aaron
Philips , Ambrose
Southerne , Thomas
Lee , Nathaniel
Massinger , Philip
Farquhar , George
Fletcher , John
Kemble , John Philip
Shakespeare , William
Dryden , John
Murphy , Arthur
Home , John
Colman , George (the younger)
Tobin , John
Baillie , Joanna
Beaumont , Francis
Thomson , James
Hoadly , Benjamin
Macklin , Charles
Moore , Edward
Whitehead , William
Shirley , William
Garrick , David
Hartson , Hall
Jephson , Robert
Young , Edward
Gay , John
Lillo , George
Vanbrugh , John
O'Keeffe , John
Miller , James
Congreve , William
Morton , Thomas
Reynolds , Frederick
Jones , Henry
Cowley , Hannah
Burgoyne , John
Goldsmith , Oliver
Centlivre , Susanna
Hughes , John
Steele , Richard
Otway , Thomas
Brooke , Henry
Rowe , Nicholas
Cibber , Colley
Cumberland , Richard
Bickerstaff , Isaac
Jonson , Ben
Sheridan , Richard Brinsley
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
25353 The case between the proprietors of news-papers, and the subscribing coffee-men, fairly stated. Being remarks on their case lately publish'd. Wherein The False Pretences, Wild Project, and Groundless Complaints of that Insolent Set of Men, are duly Examined, properly Exposed, and thoroughly Consuted; And their Calumny of Abuses and Impositions justly Retorted. With a proposal for remedying the flagrant, scandalous, and growing impositions of the coffee-men upon the publick. Unknown ,
Elizabeth Smith (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Nicholas Blandford (London)
847 The Correspondence of Samuel Richardson, Author of Pamela, Clarissa, and Sir Charles Grandison, Selected from the Original Manuscripts, Bequeathed by him, to his Family. To which are Prefixed a Biographical Account of that Author, and observations of his writings, by Anna Laetitia Barbauld. Richardson , Samuel
Richard Phillips [St. Paul's Churchyard] (London)
25081 The Death of M-l-n in the Life of Cicero. Being a proper criticism on that marvellous performance. By an Oxford scholar. Unknown ,
3351 The first number of a translation from the Italian of the Morals of Horace, with notes from the principal Greek and Latin historians and poets. By Mrs. Elizabeth Grattan. Grattan , Elizabeth
12565 The Grecian Daughter; a Tragedy, in Five Acts, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. By Arthur Murray, Esq. Printed under the authority of the Managers from the prompt book. With remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. Murphy , Arthur
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
21380 The Lives of the most eminent English Poets; with Critical Observations on their Works. By Samuel Johnson, L. L. D. In three volumes. Johnson , Samuel
William Durell [Pearl Street] (New York)
15183 The lives of the most eminent English poets; with critical observations on their works. By Samuel Johnson. In four volumes. ... Johnson , Samuel
Charles Bathurst [26 Fleet Street] (London)
James Buckland [57 Paternoster] (London)
William Strahan (London)
John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] (London)
Thomas Davies [Russell Street] (London)
Thomas Payne I (London)
Lockyer Davis [High Holborn] (London)
William Owen (London)
Benjamin White (London)
Stanley Crowder (London)
Thomas Caslon (London)
Thomas Longman II (London)
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] (London)
Charles Dilly (London)
James Dodsley (London)
John Wilkie (London)
James Robson (London)
Joseph Johnson (London)
Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] (London)
George Robinson [ii] (London)
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
James Nichols (London)
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
T. Evans [Bristol] (Bristol)
Peter Elmsley [Strand] (London)
Robert Baldwin I (London)
George Nicholson [Ludlow] (Ludlow)
John Bew [Clifford's Inn] (London)
Joseph Bowen [New Bond Street] (London)
1783 A new edition, corrected.
15140 The lives of the most eminent English poets. With critical observations on their works. By Samuel Johnson. A new edition, corrected. In four volumes. A New Edition, Corrected. Johnson , Samuel
Thomas Norton Longman III (London)
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] (London)
Henry Baldwin [Union Street] (London)
Henry Baldwin [Fleet Street] (London)
Joseph Johnson (London)
Charles Dilly (London)
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
John Nichols [Fleet Street] (London)
Robert Baldwin I (London)
Henry Gardner (London)
Thomas Payne II (London)
Francis and Charles Rivington (London)
William Otridge (London)
John Sewell [Cornhill] (Cornhill)
William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row] (London)
William Richardson [Cornhill] (Cornhill)
Robert Faulder (London)
Leigh and Sotheby (London)
George Nicol [Pall Mall] (London)
William Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] (London)
William Bent [55 Paternoster] (London)
Samuel Hayes (London)
George and Thomas Wilkie (London)
C. Davis (London)
William Nicoll (London)
James Mathews [Matthews] (London)
William Fox (London)
James Edwards (London)
David Ogilvy and J. Speare (London)
James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker (London)
James Evans (London)
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Birchin Lane] (London)
Clarke and Son (Newcastle upon Tyne)
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
1794 A New Edition, Corrected
14491 The lyric pieces of Horace dispos'd according to chronologic order by P. Sanadon, with an English translation, in poetic-prose, expressive throughout of that Jesuit's sense of the author, and an abstract of his most shining remarks. To which are prefix'd Sanadon's Life of Horace plann'd upon his works, and a critical preface, wherein, the advantage of this edition, above all that preceded it, is clearly demonstrated. By Matthew Towers LL.D. School-master of Portarlington. , Horace
5564 The modern pantheon, a dream. By a lady of quality. Unknown , [Woman]
John Bew [Paternoster Row] (London)
Thomas Hookham [New Bond Street] (London)
3085 The morality of Shakespeare's drama illustrated. By Mrs. Griffith. Griffith , Elizabeth
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
3099 The morality of Shakespeare's drama illustrated. In two volumes. By Mrs. Griffith. Griffith , Elizabeth
John Beatty [Capel Street] (Dublin)
15699 The Muses Library; Or a series of English poetry, from the Saxons, to the Reign of King Charles II. Containing, The Lives and Characters of all the known Writers in that Interval, the Names of their Patrons; Complete Episodes, by way of Specimen of the larger Pieces, very near the intire Works of some, and large Quotations from others. Being A General Collection of almost all the old valuable Poetry extant, now so industriously enquir'd after, tho' rarely to be found, but in the Studies of the Curious, and affording Entertainment on all Subjects, Philosophical, Historical, Moral, Satyrical, Allegorical, Critical, Heroick, Pastoral, Gallant, Amorous, Courtly, and Sublime, By Langland, Gower, Chaucer, Lidgate, Occleve, Harding, Barclay, Fabian, Skelton, Howard Earl of Surrey, Sir T. Wyat, Dr. Bourd, Sackville Earl of Dorset, Churchyard, Higgens, Warner, Gascoign, Turberville, Nash, Sir Philip Sidney, Grevill L. Brook, Spencer, Sir John Harrington, Chalkhill, Fairfax, Sir John Davis, Sir W. Raleigh, Sir Edw. Dyer, Daniel, &c. John Wilcox (London)
Thomas Green (London)
John Brindley (London)
Thomas Osborne I (London)
25279 The occasional paper. Vol. III. Numb. IX. Of plays and masquerades. Unknown ,
Emanuel Matthews (London)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)