There are 1370 titles associated with this person.

Unknown , . (). Bible in miniature. London: Elizabeth Newbery.
Unknown , . (). Bible in miniuture. London: Elizabeth Newbery.
Unknown , . (1710). A tale of a tarr. a new ballad. London: Abigail (Ann) Baldwin [Warwick Lane]
Unknown , . (1712). The lord mohun's vindication. London: Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1714). New discoveries of the dangers of popery. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1714). Perkin's-cabal, or the mock ministry characterized. London: Anne Boulter. Sarah Popping.
Unknown , . (1714). Perkins-cabal, or the mock ministry charactrized [sic]. London: Anne Boulter. Sarah Popping.
Unknown , . (1714). Trojan tales, related by ulysses, helenus, hector, achilles, and priam. London: Ferdinando Burleigh. John Graves. John Richardson. Jonah Browne [Brown] Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1716). A collection of the occasional papers for the year 1716. with a preface. London: James Knapton. John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1716). A rational account of the natural weaknesses of women, and of the secret distempers peculiarly incident to them. plainly discovering their nature, true cause, and best method of cure, so as women or maids of the meanest capacity may perfectly understand, and cure their own illnesses: with a clear and very particular account of conception and generation; also of barrenness and miscarriage, directing how to certainly cure the former, and absolutely prevent hte latter. to which are added, prescriptions in english of admirable and long experienc'd medicines, for the cure of each private distemper women and maids are subject to, by which they may safely cure themselves, without trouble, the advice, or knowledge of other person. shewing also, the great danger women are in from the slightest weakness, if let alone, and the imminent hazard they run, or becoming incurably barren, and of losing their lives by following the advice of ignorant persons, unskillful widwives, &c. undeniably proving, that the most difficult indispositions women labour under may be easily and quickly remedied, if rightfully managed according to the method and medicines herein faithfully revealed. to whole illustrated with various caese of persons cured, proper hints, useful cautions, observations and intractions; the like for general benefit to the female sex, never before published. necessary to be read by all women, in order to prevent, as well as cure, and weaknesses and distempers they are lyable to. by a physician. the second edition, with several additions, and amendments. London:
Unknown , . (1716). The occasional paper. numb. vii. the nature and obligation of oaths. London: Rebecca Burleigh. John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1716-1718). A collection of the occasional papers for the year 1716. with a preface. London: James Knapton. John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1717). The faction: a poem on the new jacobite and swedish conspiracy. London: Sarah Popping. John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1717). The occasional paper. vol. ii. numb. ix. of societies for reformation of manners; with an address to magistrates. London: James Knapton. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1717). The occasional paper. vol. ii. numb. v. of political friendship. London: James Knapton. John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1718). A collection of the occasional papers for the year 1717. vol. ii. with a preface; and a table of contents, to both volumes. London: James Knapton. Emanuel Matthews. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1718). An essay on the pride of authors. London: James Knapton. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1718). The occasional paper. number i. an essay on bigotry. London: James Knapton. James Robertson [15 Nicholson] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1718). The occasional paper. vol. ii. numb. xi. letters to the author. London: James Knapton. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1718). The occasional paper. vol. ii. numb. xii. an essay on the pride of authors. London: James Knapton. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1718). The occasional paper. vol. iii. numb. i. of retractations. London: James Knapton. Emanuel Matthews. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1719). The occasional paper. vol. iii. numb. ix. of plays and masquerades. London: Emanuel Matthews. James Roberts [Warwick Lane]
Unknown , . (1719). The occasional paper. vol. iii. numb. ix. of plays and masquerades. the second edition. London: Emanuel Matthews. James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1719). The synod. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1720?). Old stories, which were the fore-runners of the revolution in eighty-eight, reviv'd, viz. i. a dialogue between f. peters, and dr. busby. ii. the hollanders story of the penal laws and test. iii. william penn holding forth among the quakers. iv. several stories about the birth of the pretender. v. queries about the invitation. vi. the french were to re-establish popery here. vii. the bishops feign'd service to king james. viii. the scotch woman's coming to st. margarets westminster. ix. k. james his sending the broad seal to the french king. x. the queen's sending away the crown jewels. xi. the londoners loyalty. xii. the story of captain tom. xiii. that of st. mary magdalen's. xiv. of the marquess of albevile, and lord sunderland. xv. queen dowager's great colour xvi. about the lord sunderland turning papist. xvii. that of the banquetting house. xviii. that of cauldrons, grid irons, knives, &c. xix. that the p. of o. had muster'd 20000 men at exeter. xx. another of the lord lovelace xxi. that the king had sent the lord dartmouth with our fleet to france. xxii. that 40000 french and irish were coming to england. xxiii. that admiral herbert has taken three millions of mon... of the french king. xxiv. that queen mary did give the princess ann a box on th[e] ear, which caus'd her to miscarry. with 500 more stories of the like tendency. to which is added in a post script. the truest account that ever was yet, publish'd of the pretended lrish massacre, which went through england and scotland in one night. with a discovery of the manager of that and another intrigue, never before made publick. the second edition. London:
Unknown , . (1720?). Reasons for the strict observation of the king's peace on the solemn fast of the thirtieth of january. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1722). The prude, a tale: in two canto's. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] John Harrison. Anne Dodd I. Samuel Huddleston. E. Griffith.
Unknown , . (1724). To the citizens. Dublin:
Unknown , . (1725). Female piety and virtue. a poem. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Jane Billingsley. Anne Dodd I. John Stagg. Henry Whitridge [Lincoln's Inn]
Unknown , . (1727). St. a-d-è's miscarriage: or, a full and true account of the rabbet-woman. London: Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] M. Smith. Anne Dodd I. Nicholas Blandford.
Unknown , . (1728). The establish'd state of the publick offices, under his majesty king george ii. containing true and exact lists of the lords of his majesty's privy-council. knights of the garter. lords spiritual and temporal. peeresses of the realm. present house of commons. lords lieutenants of the several counties of england and wales. sheriffs of the several counties. his majesty's principal secretaries of state, with officers and messengers under them. his majesty's household. surveyors of his majesty's works and gardens. governors of his majesty's castles, forts, &c. in england and wales. lords commissioners for executing the office of treasurer of the exchequer, and other officers. her majesty's household. lords commissioners of the admiralty, admirals and other officers. commissioners and officers for licensing hackney coaches. commissioners and principal officers of the stamp-office. commissioners and principal officers of the wine licenses. commissioners and principal officers for the duty on salt. heralds-office. the royal society. college of physicians. commissioners, officers and others belonging to the custom-house. general officers of the army. officers of the guards, &c. of his majesty's office of ordnance. staff-officers on establishment of land-forces. master of the horse, and chief officers under him. officers of his majesty's mint. commissioners and principal officers of the excise. masters of the bench of the honourable societies of the inns of court. judges and clerks of the crown, filazers, &c. of the court of king's bench. the court of chancery. six clerks in chancery, and the entring-clerks. commissions of bankrupts. court of common-pleas. court of exchequer. serjeants at law, and king's council. his majesty's justices for the grand sessions in wales. government of the city of london, and several lists never printed before. London: Weaver Bickerton.
Unknown , . (1729). A letter from the people to caleb d'anvers esq; London: Anne Dodd I. Jane Graves.
Unknown , . (1729). Bartholomew-fair: or, a ramble to smithfield. a poem in imitation of milton. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1729). Reasons for a war, in order to establish the tranquillity and commerce of europe. London: Anne Dodd I. Robert Walker [Temple Bar] Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] Elizabeth Smith.
Unknown , . (1730). Some account of the life and character of timoleon. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1731). The parson hunter. a poem. London: Anne Dodd I. Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange]
Unknown , . (1733). A friendly epistle to the author of the state dunces. London: Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] Elizabeth Cooke [Cook]
Unknown , . (1733). The theatric squabble: or, the p---ntees. a satire. London: Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] Anne Dodd I.
Unknown , . (1734). Kick him jenny, a merry tale. Dublin: s.n. [sine nomine]
Unknown , . (1734). Modern patriotism, a poem. London: John Brindley.
Unknown , . (1734?). Modern patriotism, or faction display'd: a poem. being a satire on political writers. London: John Brindley. John Jolliffe. Oliver Payne. Alexander Lyon. Charles Corbett.
Unknown , . (1736). The fall of bob: or, the oracle of gin. a tragedy. by timothy scrubb, of rag-fair, esq; London: John Purser. Anne Dodd I. Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] Ruth Charlton [Charleton] Elizabeth Cooke [Cook]
Unknown , . (1737). Order, a poem. London: John Brindley.
Unknown , . (1740). The history of thamas kuli khan, shah, or sophi of persia. extracted from the french. London: John Wilcox. Anne Dodd II. Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] Elizabeth Cooke [Cook]
Unknown , . (1740?). The importance of jamaica to great-britain, consider'd. with some account of that island, from its discovery in 1492 to this time: and a list of the governors and presidents, with an account of their towns, harbours, bays, buildings, inhabitants, whites and negroes, &c. the country and people cleared from misrepresentations; the misbehaviour of spanish governors by entertaining pirates, and plundering the inhabitants and merchants of jamaica, and the rise of the pirates among them. an account of their fruits, drugs, timber and dying-woods, and of the uses they are apply'd to there: with a description of exotick plants, preserved in the gardens of the curious in england; and of the kitchen and flower-gardens in the west-indies. also of their beasts, birds, fishes, and insects; with their eatables and potables, distempers and remedies. with an account of their trade and produce; with the advantages they are of to great-britain, ireland, and the colonies in north-america, and the commodities they take in return from them, with the danger they are in from the french at hispaniola, and their other islands and settlements on the continent, by the encouragements they have over the british planters. with instances of insults they have given his majesty's subjects in the west-indies and on the main. with the representation of his late majesty when elector of hanover, and of the house of lords, against a peace, which could not be safe or honourable if spain or the west-indies were allotted to any branch of the house of bourbon. in a letter to a gentleman. in which is added, a postscript, of the benefits which may arise by keeping of carthagena, to great-britain and our american colonies; with an account of what goods are used in the spanish trade, and hints of settling it after the french method (by sending of women there) and of the trade and method of living of the spaniards; and english south-sea company's factors there. London: Anne Dodd II.
Unknown , . (1741). The priest and the widow, a tale. London: Edward Comyns. Jacob Robinson [Ludgate St] John Jackson. Anne Dodd II.
Unknown , . (1741?). Seasonable advice to the disinterested freeholders of great britain: in which the conduct and designs both of the court and country parties are impartially stated and examined, and such pointed out as are most deserving in the approaching elections. London: Mary Cooper. Jacob Robinson [Ludgate St] Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] Elizabeth Cooke [Cook] Anne Dodd II. George Woodfall [Charing Cross] Henry Chapelle [Chappelle]
Unknown , . (1742). A new court register... London: Thomas Cooper.
Unknown , . (1744). The equity of parnassus: a poem. London: Charles Corbett.
Unknown , . (1745). The seventh satyre of juvenal imitated. London: Charles Bathurst [Cross Keys]
Unknown , . (1746). Memoirs of the life of lord lovat. Dublin: William Brien (also Bryan)
Unknown , . (1746). The countess of moreton's daily exercise: or, a book of prayers and rules how to spend the time in the service and pleasure of almighty god. London: James and James Bonwicke. Richard Ware. William Innys [Paternoster Row] James and Paul Knapton. Aaron Ward. Samuel Birt. William Parker. Daniel Browne II. Thomas Longman I. Charles Hitch. William Baker. Stephen Austen. Thomas Osborne I. Edward Wickstead [Wicksteed] Andrew Millar. John Hinton [Newgate Street] L. Beecroft. Martha Downing. Anne Clarke [Clark] John Walthoe II.
Unknown , . (1746). The history of the present rebellion in scotland. Dublin: Edward and John Exshaw.
Unknown , . (1747). Memoirs of the life of lord lovat. Dublin: William Brien (also Bryan)
Unknown , . (1750). A serious and affectionate address to the cities of london and westminster; occasioned by the late earthquake. the second edition. London: Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] Elizabeth Cooke [Cook] Jacob Robinson [Ludgate St] Jacob Loyseau. George Woodfall [Charing Cross] Henry Chapelle [Chappelle]
Unknown , . (1757). The protest. London: Ann and Charles Corbett.
Unknown , . (1759). Genuine letters from a volunteer, in the british service, at quebec. London: Ann and Charles Corbett. Henry Whitridge [Royal Exchange]
Unknown , . (1761). The history of greece: by way of question and answer, in three parts. London: Robert Baldwin I. John Rivington I. William Johnston [Ludgate Street] Mary Cooper. Charles Hitch and Lacey Hawes. Stanley Crowder and Co. [Paternoster Row] Thomas Caslon. Henry Woodfall II. Robert Withy. John Newbery. Joseph Richardson. Bedwell Law [Ave Maria Lane, unspecified number]
Falques , M. (1764). Abbassai an eastern novel. in two volumes. translated from the french. Dublin: James Potts. Josiah Sheppard [Shepherd] [Smock Alley]
Riccoboni , M.J. (1764). The history of miss jenny salisbury; addressed to the countess of roscommond. translated from the french of the celebrated madame riccoboni. in two volumes. ... Dublin: John Exshaw I [Dame Street] Sarah Cotter (later Stringer) [Skinner Row] Henry Saunders [Castle Street] James Potts. Samuel Watson [Dame Street] James Williams [5 Skinner Row] Samuel Price [Dame Street] Elizabeth Watts [m. Lynch in 1768] Ann Leathley. Josiah Sheppard [Shepherd] [Smock Alley]
Klopstock , F.G. (1764). The messiah. attempted from the german of mr. klopstock. to which is prefix'd his introduction on divine poetry. Dublin: Elizabeth Watts [m. Lynch in 1768] Ann Leathley. Peter Wilson [Dame St, 1748–66] John Exshaw I [Dame Street] Henry Saunders [Castle Street] Hulton Bradley. Timothy Dyton [Dame Street] James Potts. Samuel Watson [Dame Street]
de Beaumont Élie , A.M. (1765). The history of the marquis de roselle, in a series of letters. by madam elie de beaumont. translated from the french. in two volumes. Dublin: James Hoey, Senior. John Exshaw I [Dame Street] Sarah Cotter (later Stringer) [Skinner Row] James Potts. James Williams [5 Skinner Row] William Sleater I [Cork Hill] Peter Wilson [Dame St, 1748–66] Elizabeth Watts [m. Lynch in 1768] Josiah Sheppard [Shepherd] [Smock Alley] James Hoey, Junior [Parliament Street]
Unknown , . (1766). Eliza: or, the history of miss granville. by the author of indiana danby. in two volumes. Dublin: James Potts. Peter Wilson [Dame St, 1748–66] Elizabeth Watts [m. Lynch in 1768] James Hoey, Junior [Parliament Street]
Unknown , . (1767). A voyage round the world. in his majesty's ship the dolphin, commanded by the honourable commodore byron. in which is contained, a faithful account of the several places, people, plants, animals, &c. seen on the voyage: and, among other particulars, a minute and exact description of the streights of magellan, and the gigantic poeple called patagonians. together with an accurate account of seven island lately discovered in the south seas. by an officer on board the said ship. Dublin: James Hoey, Senior. Peter Wilson [ii] [30 Skinner Row] James Potts. James Williams [5 Skinner Row] William Colles [19 Dame Street] Dillon Chamberlaine [Dame Street] John Mitchell I [Skinner Row] John Murphy. Laurence Flin [Castle Street] William II and William IV Smith. Elizabeth Watts [m. Lynch in 1768] William Sleater I [Castle Street]
Unknown , . (1772). The history of miss indiana danby. in two volumes. ... Dublin: James Hoey, Senior. John Exshaw I [Dame Street] Henry Saunders [Castle Street] James Potts. Samuel Watson [Dame Street] James Williams [5 Skinner Row] Elizabeth Watts [m. Lynch in 1768] James Hoey, Junior [Parliament Street] Peter Wilson [iii]
Unknown , . (1775). Poetical amusements at a villa near bath. Bath: Lewis Bull. Lacey Hawes, William Clarke, and Robert Collins.
Unknown , . (1777). Chloe's cushion or the cork rump. London: Mary Darly (also Darley) [Strand]
Unknown , . (1779). Advice from a lady of quality to her children, in the last stage of a lingering illness, in a series of evening conferences on the most interesting subjects. translated from the french. ... Dublin: James Potts. Henry Whitestone [Capel Street] Thomas Walker. John Beatty [Skinner Row] Richard Moncrieffe [16 Capel Street] William Colles [19 Dame Street] Edward Cross. James Porter [Skinner Row] Caleb Jenkin [58 Dame Street] James Williams [21 Skinner Row] Samuel Price [Henry Street] Thomas Wilkinson (I) William Wilson [6 Dame Street] [1763–66; 1768–95] Luke White [18 Crampton Street] Patrick Byrne I [College Green] B. Watson. C. Talbot. John Exshaw II [Dame Street] Robert Burton [2 Capel Street]
Unknown , . (1780). Bible in miniuture. London: Elizabeth Newbery.
Unknown , . (1780). Bible in miniuture. London: Elizabeth Newbery.
Unknown , . (1780). The oxford sausage: or, select poetical pieces, written by the most celebrated wits of the university of oxford. Oxford: George Robinson [ii] Elizabeth Newbery. William Jackson [Oxford Street]
Unknown , . (1781). Masquerades; or, what you will. by the author of eliza warwick, &c. in two volumes. Dublin: William Watson I. Samuel Price [Henry Street] William Sleater I [Castle Street] Richard Ennis [67 Thomas Street]
Unknown , . (1782). The soliloquy. London: Hannah Humphrey [18 New Bond Street]
Unknown , . (1783). A coalision of parties give justice her claims. London: Elizabeth Darchery.
du Crest de Saint-Aubin , S.F. (1783). The theatre of education. by the countess de genlis. translated from the french. a new edition, in three volumes. London: Thomas Cadell [London] Thomas Durham [Charing Cross] Peter Elmsley [87 Strand]
Unknown , . (1783). The union. London: Elizabeth Darchery.
Unknown , . (1784). A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation; particularly the british and irish; from the earliest accounts of time to the present period. wherein their remarkable actions and sufferings, their virtues, parts, and learning, are accurately displayed. with a catalogue of their literary productions. a new edition in twelve volumes, greatly enlarged and improved. London: William Strahan. Thomas Payne and Son. William Owen. Benjamin White. Thomas and William Lowndes. Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] James Robson. Joseph Johnson. George Robinson [ii] J. Nichols [Unknown] John Murray I [Fleet Street] William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row] George Nicol [441] Peter McQueen [MaQueen] William Chapman [1767-1791, 1800-1805; 36 King Street] Thomas Bowles. Elizabeth Newbery.
Unknown , . (1784). Cecils budget for paying the national debt. London: Elizabeth Darchery.
Unknown , . (1784). Orpheus and eurydice. London: Hannah Humphrey [51 New Bond Street]
Unknown , . (1784). The drum major of sedition. London: Elizabeth Darchery.
Riccoboni , M.J. (1784). The history of christina, princess of swabia; and of eloisa de livarot. translated from the french of madame riccoboni. in two volumes. Dublin: Richard Moncrieffe [16 Capel Street] Samuel Price [Henry Street] John Exshaw II [98 Grafton Street]
Unknown , . (1785). Jachin and boaz; or, an authentic key to the door of free-masonry, both ancient and modern. calculated not only for the instruction of every newmade mason, but also for the information of all who intend to become brethren. containing, i. a circumstantial account of all the proceedings in making a mason, with the several obligations of an entered apprentice, fellow-craft, and master; the prayers, and also the sign, grip, and password of each degree, with the ceremony of the mop and pail. ii. the manner of opening a lodge, and setting the craft to work. ... vii. a safe and easy method proposed, by which a man may obtain admittance into any lodge, without passing through the form required, and thereby save a guinea or two in his pocket. viii. anthems, odes, songs, &c. illustrated with a beautiful frontispiece of the regalia, jewels, and emblematical ornaments belonging to masonry, and an accurate plan of the drawing on the floor of a lodge. interspersed with variety of notes and remarks, necessary to explain and sender the whole clear to the meanest capacity. to which is now added, a new and accurate list of all the english regular lodges in the world, according to their seniority, with the dates of each constitution, and days of meeting. by a gentleman belonging to the jerusalem lodge; a frequent visitor at the queen's arms, st. paul's church-yard; the horn, in fleet-street; crown and anchor, strand; and the salutation, newgate-street. London: Elizabeth Newbery. William Nicoll.
Unknown , . (1786). Albina, a novel. in a series of letters. Dublin: John Halpen (also Halpin) [Henry Street] Henry Whitestone [Capel Street] Richard Moncrieffe [16 Capel Street] John Cash [Capel Street] William McKenzie [Dame Street] William Gilbert [26 South Great George's Street] Charles Brown. Luke White [Dame Street] Richard Lewis [Bride Street]
Unknown , . (1786). Arpasia; or the wanderer. a novel. by the author of the nabob. in two volumes. Dublin: James Moore [Dublin] Richard Moncrieffe [16 Capel Street] John Cash [Capel Street] Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street] William Colles [17 New Buildings, Dame Street] Luke White [Dame Street]
Unknown , . (1786). The lucubrations of isaac bickerstaff, esq. London: Elizabeth Newbery. Charles Bathurst [26 Fleet Street] James Buckland [57 Paternoster] John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] William Owen. Richard Horsfield. Benjamin and John White. Thomas Longman II. Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] J. Nichols [Unknown] William Fox. George, George, John and James Robinson. Thomas Cadell [London] Charles Dilly.
Unknown , . (1787). Blenheim lodge, a novel. in two volumes. London: William Lane [Leadenhall Street]
Unknown , . (1787). Blenheim lodge, a novel. in two volumes. Dublin: Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge] John Halpen (also Halpin) [Henry Street] Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street] Stephen Colbert [Capel Street] Bernard Dornin [College Green]
Unknown , . (1787). The flights of a lady-bird. London: Elizabeth Newbery.
Unknown , . (1788). Death's friend, a novel. by the author of the bastard, &c. &c. London: Thomas Hookham [New Bond Street] John Bew [Paternoster Row] Thomas and John Egerton.
Unknown , . (1789). The modern husband, a novel, in a series of letters. by the author of lucinda osborn. London: Thomas Hookham [New Bond Street] John Bew [Paternoster Row] Joseph P. Bateman [Devonshire Street]
Unknown , . (1790). Moral sketches for young minds. London: Elizabeth Newbery.
Unknown , . (1791). Georgina harcourt, a novel. London: Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row]
Unknown , . (1792). Jachin and boaz; or, an authentic key to the door of free-masonry, both ancient and modern. calculated not only for the instruction of every new made mason; but also for the information of all who intend to become brethren. containing, i. a circumstantial account of all the proceedings in making a mason, with the several obligations of an entered apprentice, fellow-craft, and master; the prayers, and also the sign, grip, and password of each degree, with the ceremony of the mop and pail. ii. the manner of opening a lodge, and setting the craft to work. .... vii. a safe and easy method proposed, by which a man may obtain admittance into any lodge, without passing through the form required, and thereby save a guinea or two in his pocket. vii. anthems, odes, songs, &c. illustrated with a beautiful frontispiece of the regalia, jewels, and emblematical ornaments belonging to masonry, and an accurate plan of the drawing on the floot of a lodge, interspersed with variety of notes and remarks, necessary to explain and render the whole clear to the meanest capacity. to which is now added, a new and accurate list of all the english regular lodges in the world, according to their seniority, with the dates of each constitution, and days of meeting. by a gentleman belonging to the jerusalem lodge; a frequent visitor at the queen's arms, st. paul's church-yard; the horn, in fleet-street; crown and anchor, strand; and the salutation, newgate-street. London: Elizabeth Newbery.
du Crest de Saint-Aubin , S.F. (1793). Lessons of a governess to her pupils. or, journal of the method adopted by madame de sillery-brulart, (formerly countess de genlis) in the education of the children of m. d'orleans, first prince of the blood-royal. published by herself. translated from the french. Dublin: Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge] James Moore [Dublin] Harriet Colbert [136 Capel Street] William Jones I [Dame Street] Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street] William McKenzie [College Green] John Rice [2 College Green] Arthur Grueber [59 Dame Street] John Jones [Grafton Street] Randal McAllister [Grafton Street]
Unknown , . (1793). Sonnets. London: John Debrett [179 Piccadilly]
Unknown , . (1794). The adventurer. ... Thomas Norton Longman III.
Unknown , . (1795). Barbastal, or, the magician of the forest of bloody ash: a romance. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1795). Constantio and selima. a fairy tale. Salisbury: Elizabeth Newbery.
(1795). Family lectures: or, a copious collection of sermons, selected from the most celebrated divines, on faith and practice. atterbury. adams. allen. barrow. balguy. batty. beveridge. bentley. bellamy, blackall. brown. bull. bundy. burnet. clarke. calamy. coney. delaney. duke. gibson. hort. hoadley. hopkins. hickman. horne. hole. harvest. ibbot. jortin. kennet. littleton. lucas. lupton. moor. moss. orr. porteus. ridley. sharpe. sherlock. swift. stebbing. stephens. snape. stillingfleet. seed. secker. tillotson. tilly. terry. trapp. wake. wilson. webster. a new volume. London: Thomas Norton Longman III. Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] Joseph Johnson. George, George, and John Robinson. Charles Dilly. Thomas Cadell [London] William Richardson [Cornhill] Francis and Charles Rivington. Robert Baldwin I. William Goldsmith [Warwick] William Lowndes [76 Fleet Street] Robert Faulder. Samuel Hayes. David Ogilvy and J. Speare. Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Birchin Lane] C. Wynne. George and Thomas Wilkie. William Bent [55 Paternoster] James Scatcherd. John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] James Evans. George Kearsley [Fleet Street] H. Murray.
Newbery , E., & Unknown , . (1795). Instructive fragments. London: Elizabeth Newbery.
Unknown , . (1795). The lilliputian letter-writer. London: Elizabeth Newbery.
Unknown , . (1796). Eloise de montblanc. a novel. in four volumes. London: Minerva Press, William Lane.
Unknown , . (1797). Days of chivalry. a romance. London: Minerva Press, William Lane.
Unknown , . (1797). Geography and history. selected by a lady, for the use of her own children. third edition. London: Charles Law. Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795]
Unknown , . (1797). Moral sketches for young minds. London: Elizabeth Newbery.
Unknown , . (1797). The trap: a poem. London: William Richardson [Cornhill]
Unknown , . (1799). Little tales for little people. London: Elizabeth Newbery.
Unknown , . (1800). A museum for young gentlemen and ladies; or a private tutor for little masters and misses. containing a variety of useful subjects; ... London: William Darton and Joseph Harvey [Gracechurch] Crosby and Letterman. Elizabeth Newbery. Benjamin Collins.
Unknown , . (1800). Directions for breeding game-cocks including the methods of treating them from the time they are hatched, till fit to fight: besides articles for a match; key to a match bill; rules and orders as abided by at the cock-pit royal with calculations for betting. London: Thomas Payne II. William Lowndes [76 Fleet Street] George Wilkie [Paternoster Row] James Scatcherd. Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees. Elizabeth Newbery. William Stewart. John Lee. Thomas Hurst [Paternoster] Joseph Mawman [Poultry]
Unknown , . (1800). Jachin and boaz; or, an authentic key to the door of free-masonry, both ancient and modern: calculated not only for the instruction of every new-made mason, but also for the information of all who intend to become brethen. containing, i. a circumstantial account of all the proceedings in making a mason, with the several obligations of an entered apprentice, fellow-craft, and master; the prayers, and also the sign, grip, and pass-word of each degree, with the ceremony of the mop and pail. ii. the manner of opening a lodge, and setting the craft to work. ... vii. a safe and easy method proposed, by which a man may obtain admittance into any lodge, without passing through the form required, and thereby save a guinea or two in his pocket. viii. anthems, odes, songs, &c. illustrated with a beautiful frontispiece of the regalia, jewels, and emblematical ornaments belonging to masonry; and an accurate plan of the drawing on the floor of a lodge. interspersed with variety of atnotes and remarks, necessary to explain and render the whole clear to the meanest capacity: to which is now added, a new and accurate list of all the english regular lodges in the world, according to their seniority, with the dates of each constitution, and days of meeting. by a gentleman belonging to the jerusalem lodge; a frequent visitor at the queen's arms, st. paul's church-yard; the horn, in fleet street; crown and anchor, strand; and the salutation, newgate street. London: Elizabeth Newbery. Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] William Champante and Benjamin Whitrow. Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row]
Unknown , . (1800). Mother shipton. London: Elizabeth Newbery.
Unknown , . (1800). The florist; or, poetical nosegay. London: Elizabeth Newbery.
Unknown , . (1800). The governess: or, evening amusements, at a boarding school. London: Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry]
Unknown , . (1800). Visits to the aviary. for the instruction of youth. London: Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry]
Unknown , . (1801). Almeda; or, the neapolitan revenge: a tragic drama. London: Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row]
Unknown , . (1801). Miscellaneous poems. Manchester:
Unknown , . (1801). The rebel: a tale of the times. Dublin: Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge] Harriet Colbert [136 Capel Street] John Rice [Grafton Street] William Porter [69 Grafton Street] George Folingsby [59 Dame Street] Bernard Dornin [108 Grafton Street] John Stockdale. John Halpen (also Halpin) [Sackville Street]
Unknown , . (1801). The true-born englishman, a satire. London: Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1802). Selico and berissa; or the africans. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1802). The art of cookery: made plain and easy. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1802). The secret oath: or blood-stained dagger, a romance. London: Thomas Hurst [Paternoster]
Unknown , . (1802). The true-born englishman, a satire. London: Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1803). Selico and berissa; or the africans. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1803). The cottager's daughter: or, the sorrows of rosa. a pathetic tale. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1803). The cottager's daughter; or, the sorrows of rosa. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1803). The seven voyages of sindbad, the sailor. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1803). The true-born englishman, a satire. London: Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1804). Ernestina; or, the fair german. an interesting tale. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1804). Ethelinda; or, the fair made of the inn. an interesting tale. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1804). Selico and berissa; or the africans. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1804). The aunt and the niece. a novel. in two volumes. London: Minerva Press, Lane, Newman, and Co.
Unknown , . (1804). The castle of montalbert; or, the fatal prediction. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1804). The enchanted castle. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1804). The fair savage; or, the beauty of the woods. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1804). The ghost of the rock. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1804). The secret nuptials; or, beauty in distress. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1804). The tartarian prince; or, the stranger. an historic tale. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1804). The true-born englishman, a satire. London: Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1804). The village maid; or, the interesting adventures of montsirant. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1804). The village maid; or, the interesting adventures of montsirant. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1805). Edwin; or, the wandering fugitive. an history founded on facts. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1805). Fatal curiosity; or, the interesting history of edward wilmot. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1805). Marlton abbey; or, the mystic tomb of st. angelo. a romance. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1805). Popular tales, lives, and adventures, volume i. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1805). Selico and berissa; or the africans. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1805). The banditti of monte baldo; or, the lass of the lake. a romance. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1805). The beautiful african; or, love and slavery. an interesting tale. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1805). The italian lovers; or, the mock funeral. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1805). The orphan of the alps, or, the captive girl. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1805). The true-born englishman, a satire. London: Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1805). The welch cottage; or, adventures of belinda beaumont. a tale. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1805). William wallace, the hero of the north. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , ., & Daubenton , M. (1805). Zelia in the desert; or, the female crusoe. written by herself. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1806). Popular tales, lives, and adventures, volume ii. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1806). Roxalana; or, the step-mother. an historic tale. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1806). Selico and berissa; or the africans. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1806). The four voyages of columbus, and discovery of america. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1806). The hermit of the lakes; or, the revengeful brother. a tale of truth. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1806). The true-born englishman, a satire. London: Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1807). Barbastal, or, the magician of the forest of bloody ash: a romance. London: John Roe [Houndsditch] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1807). Popular tales, lives, and adventures, volume iii. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1807). Selico and berissa; or the africans. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1807). The castle of savina; or, the irishman in italy. a tale. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1807). The monks of cluny; or, castle-acre monastery. an historical tale. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1807). The net-maker of bagdad; or, the fool and his cousin. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch] Thomas Maiden [5 Sherbourne Lane]
Unknown , . (1807). The observer. Baltimore: Joseph Robinson.
Unknown , . (1807). The true-born englishman, a satire. London: Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1808). Selico and berissa; or the africans. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1808). The midnight hour; or, the fatal friendship. a simple tale. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1808). The true-born englishman, a satire. London: Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1808). Wild roses; or, cottage tales. with fine engravings, volume 1. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1809). Bellina; or, the magic boat. London: John Roe [Chiswell] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1809). Frederick and caroline. London: John Roe [Chiswell] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1809). Innocence rewarded. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1809). Little thumb; or, seven league boots. London: John Roe [Chiswell] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1809). Popular tales, lives, and adventures, volume iv. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1809). Selico and berissa; or the africans. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1809). The castle of alvidaro; or, the spanish quarrel: a romance. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1809). The little hunch-back. London: John Roe [Chiswell] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1809). The little white mouse. London: John Roe [Chiswell] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1809). The orphan boy; or, the veiled statue. London: John Roe [Chiswell] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1809). The true-born englishman, a satire. London: Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1809). Wild roses; or, cottage tales. with fine engravings, volume 2. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1810). Popular tales, lives, and adventures, volume v. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1810). Popular tales, lives, and adventures, volume vi. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1810). Rochester castle; or, gundulph's tower. a gothic tale. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1810). Selico and berissa; or the africans. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1810). The blossoms of morality. intended for the amusement & instruction of young ladies & gentlemen. by the editor of the looking-glass for the mind. with forty-seven cuts, designed and engraved by i. bewick. the fifth edition. London: Benjamin Crosby and Co. William Darton and Joseph Harvey [Gracechurch] James Scatcherd and Charles Letterman [Litterman] John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] Ann Vernor, Thomas Hood, and Charles Sharpe. Lackington, Allen and Co. J. Walker.
Unknown , . (1810). The little hunch-back. London: John Roe [Chiswell] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1810). The little tale teller; or, simple stories, moral and interesting. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1810). The little white mouse. London: John Roe [Chiswell] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1810). The two boys: or, the reward of truth. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner.
Unknown , . (1810). The witch of rona; or, the magic spell. a romance. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Houndsditch]
Unknown , . (1811). Fanny felton; or, the interesting history of a charity girl. London: John Roe [Chiswell] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1811). Selico and berissa; or the africans. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1811). The little hunch-back. London: John Roe [Chiswell] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1811). The little white mouse. London: John Roe [Chiswell] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1812). Ethelinda; or, the fair maid of the inn. an interesting tale. London: John Roe [Chiswell] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1812). History of kitty wells. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1812). Selico and berissa; or the africans. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1812). The little hunch-back. London: John Roe [Chiswell] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1812). The little white mouse. London: John Roe [Chiswell] Ann Lemoine.
Unknown , . (1813). Selico and berissa; or the africans. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1814). Conduct. a novel. in three volumes. London: Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co.
Unknown , . (1814). Selico and berissa; or the africans. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1815). Selico and berissa; or the africans. London: Ann Lemoine. John Roe [Chiswell]
Unknown , . (1816). A present to children at school. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street]
Unknown , . (1816). Lady byron's responsive "fare thee well!" third edition. London: Richard Edwards [Crane Court]
Unknown , . (1816). Lady byron's responsive 'fare thee well.' London: Richard Edwards [Crane Court]
Unknown , . (1816). Memoirs of charles howard brodhead. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street]
Unknown , . (1816). The awful doom of murderers. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street]
Unknown , . (1816). The christian drummer: a true and interesting story. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street]
Unknown , . (1816). The two apprentices: a narrative and conversation. written to shew the excellency and use of scripture. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street]
Unknown , . (1817). Mary the milk-maid. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street]
Unknown , . (1817). The happy cottagers; or, the breakfast, dinner, and supper. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street]
Unknown , . (1817). The history of william black, the chimney sweeper. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street]
Unknown , . (1817). The little warbler of the cottage, and her dog constant. by a lover of children. Boston: Munroe and Francis [4 Cornhill] David Francis.
Unknown , . (1817). The robber's daughter. a tale. founded on fact. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street]
Unknown , . (1818). Obituary of charles petit, a boy who lately died at the orphan asylum, in new york. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street]
Sheridan , F.C. (1819). Nourjahad: adorned with cuts. Chiswick: Nathaniel Hailes [172 Piccadilly]
Unknown , . (1821). The history of three silver trouts. decorated with cuts. Wellington: Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington]
Unknown , . (1821). The snow. adorned with engravings. Wellington: Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington]
Unknown , . (1821). Verses for little children . . . . London: Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton.
Unknown , . (1822). Aunt eleanor's rhymes for the nursery. John Marshall I [Fleet St]
Unknown , . (1822). Ceres and agenorica, a poem. Hull: Issac Wilson.
Unknown , . (1822). Poems: upon various subjects. by a lady. London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones.
Unknown , ., & Taylor (later Gilbert) , A. (1823). The little foundling: a story. Edinburgh: Charles Chalmers and William Collins [14 Wilson Street] Richard Moore Tims. Waugh and Innes [1818-25] James Nisbet [Castle Street] Francis Westley.
Unknown , . (1825). Christmas-day; or, the friends. a tale. Wellington: Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington]
Unknown , . (1825). De courcy: a tale. Isle of Wight:
Unknown , . (1825). Going too far: a tale for all ages. in two volumes. London: Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy.
Unknown , . (1825). Henry and kate, a poem. by a young lady. London: George B. Whittaker. William Hodgetts.
Unknown , . (1825). The parish-clerk. a tale. by the author of "eight lectures," &c. third edition. Wellington: Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington]
Unknown , . (1827). Poetic fugitives. by a young lady. London: Lupton Relfe.
Unknown , . (1828). Horae burneienses. Greenwich:
Unknown , . (1828). The suspected boy. an american tale. third edition. Wellington: Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington]
Unknown , . (1830). The penseé. London: John Hatchard and Son [187 Piccadilly]
Unknown , . (1831). Catechism in rhyme, for little children: intended chiefly for the use of dame schools. by a lady. London: Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington] Frances Houlston and Son [London]
Unknown , . (1831). The infant's daily sacrifice. a book of short hymns for children. London: John Hatchard and Son [187 Piccadilly]
Unknown , . (1833). The widow's offering. by mrs. kay. London: W. Simpkin and R. Marshall.
Unknown , . (1833). The widow's offering. by mrs. kay. second edition. London: W. Simpkin and R. Marshall.
Unknown , . (1834). Bible sketches, in verse and prose. with reflections on each subject. London: Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis.
Unknown , . (1834). Nothing at all. fifth edition. London: Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington] Frances Houlston and Son [London]
Unknown , . (1835). An alphabet of animals. by a lady. revised edition. London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co. Winks and Son.
Unknown , . (1835). Lapland, and its rein-deer. by the author of "tales of distant lands." London: Samuel Darton and Robert Harvey [1833-38]
Unknown , . (1835). Sketches from a youthful circle. new edition, with a preface by mrs. gilbert, late miss taylor. London: William Darton and Son. Samuel Darton and Robert Harvey [1833-38]
Barbauld , A.L., Chapone , H.M., Edgeworth , M., More , H., Taylor , J., Landon , L.E., Wirt , W. (1835). The young ladies' class book; a selection of lessons for reading, in prose and verse. by ebenezer bailey, principal of the young ladies' high school, boston. stereotype edition. Boston: Benjamin Collins and Samuel Hannay. Gould, Kendall, and Lincoln. N. and J. White. Bennett & Bright. Grigg and Elliot. Henry Perkins. Cushing and Sons. E. F. Duren. Edward J. Lane.
Unknown , . (1835). The young lady's annual. London: Edward Lacey.
Unknown , . (1836). The son of duplicity; or, the still small voice. London: James Ridgway and Sons [169 Piccadilly] [1826, 1834–1841] Simpkin, Marshall and Co.